    What do you think about Madonna's brother living homeless under a bridge?

    +7  Views: 1307 Answers: 23 Posted: 13 years ago

    23 Answers

    What do you suppose would be the outcome, even if Madonna were to hand her brother a million dollars?  Would he use it to go to rehab, buy himself a house, start taking care of his health, go to university for an education, look for work???  I don't think that drug addicts listen nor take advice very well.  I expect that Madonna would be "throwing good money after bad" if you get my meaning.  Is he entitled to her money because she has done something with her life?   NO.


    Well said

    Thank you.

    maybe, he's an actor. 

    If he's a non-rehabilitated drug addict that explains a lot. I can understand not wanting to inadvertently feed his drug habbit, by enabling his ability to sell anything she gave him. But, a person of her stature could easily arrange something where he at least wouldn't be sleeping under a bridge. I realize everyone is responsible for themself and their choices. But, where he is at today, clearly demonstrates that the sometimes overpowering influence of the drugs is more in control of his life than he is himself. People could have as harsh an opinion of him as they wish, but who in their right mind would purposely choose to become a useless junkie living under a bridge amongst the rats and pigeons? If she so flippantly chooses to disown her own brother, than maybe there is some basis for whatever came out in some book (that he might not of wrote himself, but been manipulated to be a part of). I have little doubt that it would have been easy enough for someone to manipulate an active junkie...look at how many women sell their bodies to support their habits. I bet they didn't grow up aspiring to be where they're at either!


    Honestly speaking, I think addiction is one of the slipperiest slopes a person could find themself on, as the farther down the hill you go, the faster and more out of control you are. No matter what path you took to the slope, once you're there, you're there.

    I believe you wrote what is true and right. Madonna’s brother is broken. You said what I would have said if I could have gotten the words right.

    “A person of her stature could easily arrange something where at least he wouldn’t be sleeping under a bridge.” Shootah

    Well there are always two sides to a story but I would think if it is true that his sister at some point would buy him a trailer or something.


    Maybe if Madonna bought her brother a trailer, he would sell it to buy drugs.

    ""I heard Madonna was upset about some of the books content,maybe that is why she is not helping him.Her brother is also a non rehabilitated drug user.


    That's what can happen when you take drugs.

    Why is she called Madonna? I am not at all keen on her.

    My brother was a homeless person. He just could not cope with society. Sadly he was murdered in his compound.. No arrests.


    So sorry to hear that ...

    very sad Clu Hope they get the rats all the best

    That is a big problem in this country, there is nowhere to go for help.Evev after world war II, I never saw a homelless person living on the street in Germany.There were Government agencies who gave people shelter and treatment. In the US., they are left on the street to fend for themselfes. I find that very inhumane and cruel. So sorry what happened to your brother.

    He is gone to far bridge over troubled water.cant help someone "who does not want help.


    His thinking is distorted. He is ill. All Madonna could do his keep him safe. She might sleep better at night. They were raised by the same parents. Maybe she knows the why of his illness,

    I lived under a bridge for about a year and it was great (until the city decided to upgrade the bridge....).....



    Truly. Under a bridge with a couch, desk, file cabinet, propane stove and businesses close enough for the essentials... The bridge was cool in the summer, windy in the winter. Flooded during the rain. It was an adventure and not nearly as cool as living in the wood was. Long stories I need to put into a book.........

    You have GOT to be kidding me.

    No, all true. It was fun and a learning experience. Oh, we had our troubles (like staying warm in the winter) but we kept it clean. A fire-
    man came down one night and said, "Damn, they have a whole apartment down here!" This was pre-roof over my head days but I'll never forget them...

    Yes, you should write a book. I knew a woman who spent a year of her life living in a VW. She wrote a book but would not admit to me that it was her. She was a teenager when she lived that way and it was Hell looking like the other kids and all the rest of it.

    Same thing with obama relative, except his relative was arrested here for something else and found to be here as an illegal. . Obama not doing much to help .


    As far as WE know!

    Helping anyone who will not help themselves is enabling. I'm sure Modonna would help him if he showed that he truly wants help and would follow through with his rehabilitation ... I've experienced this in my own family. It's very painful for all concerned.

    Happens in the best of families. Understandably so. There is always a list of socially acceptable reasons why they fly over the cuckoo’s nest, so that we need not get too involved ourselves. We won’t discuss the subject further. Not at the dinner table dear. I can’t do anything about that. If you can’t stop talking about that maybe you should go outside and eat your dinner there. Not that again. Go to your room and don’t come out until I tell you you can come out.

          These responses were typical to any similar situation.   

    His name was Tim  Thank you Yvonne. You brought tears to my eyes I do miss him

    Thanks CleavelandRick. It happens in Ohio in 2005 on Oct. 25th


    Hi clu. The 6th anniversary is Tuesday. I'll be thinking about you and your brother all day. What is his name?

    Clu thank you.  I know you are right.  Sorry about your beloved brother.

     I have heard many stories like this over the years.  A big rich person not able to help the poor brother or family member. Personally I think it is disgraceful.  It's easy to say he's a drugger.  Figure out some kind of way to make a contribution to your brother's life. Charity truly begins at home. A little help at a crutial time a in person's life can be the life changing support he needed at that time. I have been through that with a brother.  Everybody told me I was crazy and he's never going to be anything.  I did not give up.  And asked my mom not to give up on him.  Sure enough.  Today he is the most successful and wealthiest person in our family, with his own family now.  And I did not even have the money Madonna has.  No excuse for rich people making excuses why they can't help their family.   What about a squirrel that has 100 nuts put away for the winter and all the other squirrels are falling over from starvation.  But the rich squirrel will not share one nut because he needs it for the winter, when everybody will be dead but him.


    Tabber I'm happy your family resolved its issues . Please understand this doesn't always happen. My brother was given everything we could. Still it was not enough. Sadly!

    I wonder if there is way to have him arrested for possesion of drugs and give him a choice, either jail or Rehab? Madonna can afford the best rehab for her brother. It would seem to me, that she could at least try.If that was my brother, I would not give up and try to help him any way I could. Otherwise I would not be able to sleep at night .

    It seems like most of us have an understanding of the situation of addiction. It’s a mental health problem. When I see the people with their signs I can be sad all day. I give them a dollar or two dollars and say I hope it gets better for you. I Saw an old man outside our pharmacy and his sign read “Need money for meds.”  

    I think the Salvation Army helps people with alcohol and addiction problems. I’ve considered going to church there. 


    Stars don’t worry about what people say. As long as people are saying something.

    I always give money to people in the street - not bragging just do - probably makes me feel better. Once there was a guy with his girlfriend with dogs in tow to whom I always gave money - knew they drank and Virgil told me he also took drugs from then on I took him in store and bought food for them and dogs - he did get help. Strange itsmee that you should mention the Salvation Army - there is one just along the road from me - I thought of popping in but remember years ago a friend of my Brothers in another part of London, Pimlico actually was an alcoholic and the weather was freezing - the Salvation Army turned him away that night - and he died on the street. Lethal combination alcohol and cold weather and I must say probably unfair of me regarding the Salvation Army may there were more circumstances but I was upset at the time.

    LOVED Madonna music......HATED HER.

    When she took a turn toward the SLUT and WHORE culture she turned me off and I haven't paid any attention to her since.

    Her GAY brother? Who cares.

    My family was self destructive as stated. I would not remain with them and I am sure they found every possible reason for me to remain far away. Scape goats are outcasts who have learned, in my case how not to treat anyone. I would not carry their guilt for them, I would not subscribe to their ways. I have been under the bridge and I am better off for my experience, in my estimation. Anyone so wounded seeks to recover alone where no one is going to be poking holes in were it is no one’s business. Under the bridge, can be a very good place to be. The opportunity there is to recognize the facts of what you did to yourself and why you did that. Those 12-step programs help.

    Experts who help drug users usually tell their family to show them the door this is when they first start this - this subject is distressing and what I see here is speculation..

    So sad but here in London,  there are a lot of very intelligent people living under bridges etc. by choice and they are not drug users.So many good answers here - although I must confess I did not know of this guy.As Robertgrist says many  want to fly over the cuckoo's nest with or without drugs.

    We don't really know if she has ever helped him before or even if she is helping him now. If He isn;t ready for help it wouldn't matter if you gave him a billion dollars.I have a brother who has had problems and I helped him out in many ways and many times. When I needed him he had no time for me. I have resigned myself to the fact that I can't fix him. A very hard conclusion to reach but one

    That had to be reached for my own sanity. There are a lot of things that happen in a family that outsiders don't get cause they don't get the whole story. If he wrote a book that people are reading, he has income, maybe the bridge life is the one he wants

    I think that it is a very very very VERY sad thing!

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