    ok right now i am intrested in THE CIVIL WAR can you give me some facts and some of your opinions of THE CIVIL WAR

    my class just started studing about this and i got really inerrested in the civil war so please answer ASAP

    +1  Views: 715 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: civil_war

    6 Answers

    Why they call it the "Civil War' is a mystery.It was the most un-civil event in American history.

    Americans killing Americans.

    So many people lost everything.Entire families were wiped out.

    The slaves gained their freedom,a good thing,but a great many of them had no idea of how to support themselves once they were free & lived the rest of their lives in severe hardship.

    I think the politicians of the time failed miserably by not resolving the issues without war.

    I'm not even American,but that's my point of view.



    More than half of all deaths during the American Civil War were the result of disease (not bullets). The primary culprits included typhoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

    What i do know of the American Civil War, is more Americans died in this conflict , than all the wars they have been in, around 4million souls.

    It was East against West.


    Was It? boy have I been mis-informed.

    Your high school World History books were written by Aussies. What did you expect?

    It is the War between the states...............Check on Line you will  find all kinds of info.........maybe a distant relative who was part of the history.

    The South is still at war!


    Some from there still trying

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