    If we had a threat in the world, like mean aliens, do you think political people would finally see the light and work together?

    +2  Views: 607 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    no. i think they would try to hide it from us

    No, they would just argue on how to resolve the situation....

    Never I think it would turn into another war!



    keep laughing girl Obama thinks thats funny as well.

    They would feed us to attacking aliens if they thought it would save themselves.

    ......adding to west-bus, we already DO have mean aliens.  The ones in California have some serious gangs who go around shooting each other and any "regular" person who happens to get in the way.  These mean aliens have initiations into their pods that include hurting "regular" people really bad (even killing them).  They are recruiting other mean aliens to join them.
    Some of these mean aliens actually traffic illegal drugs into our state, selling them on the black market, and peddling them through our schools, even at the elementary level.
    These mean aliens are currently enjoying a better lifestyle than many of the "regular" people. There doesnt' seem to be any effort to band forces together to stop these mean aliens at all.

    I thought they were the "Aliens.

    First off--  Politicians can't even get along with themselves, I doubt they would smooze up to aliens, unless they were illegal aliens from this world. Then they give them everything..

    if you are a 'big bang' believer, I would assume all life forms had taken a road to tecnology, our road is obviously war as we are still here and have never reached outside the moon in manned space travel where the 'aliens' road of technology was travel to distant worlds-- i believe that if they came withing a proximity of 1 million miles of us they would turn and run as they have no defense against such a violent species such as ourselves.. as the politicians, we too can not get along with each other, how would we get along with an unknown species from outside this world?? But this is just theory of course..


    But we already have a threat, a real threat, one that will have profound repercussions and reverberate and engulf the whole world. I am referring to the imminent collapse of the world financial system and unless there is a strong consensus of opinion it will be gloom and doom for all of us. To answer your question, no, time is running out.   

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