    Can't the Republicans get anybody else to run for President other than low IQ people?

    0  Views: 573 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    republicans are very smart people.  & very smart business people.  the problem is not IQ.  the problem is philosophy, point of view,  awareness of true facts, & reality, training & upbringing.  most people would rather die than go against their brain training.  what's in your brain is like a movie on a tape.  you can't change it.  you can erase and retape however.  the titan ted turner, who owns CNN television gave away billion dollars to try to lead republicans into sharing their wealth more. hard job because of them being programmed to 'my money, my money, my money.'  we have a group of weathy multi-millionaires over her in america that meet monthy cause they cannot figure out what to do with all those millions.  now come on.  does not some thinking need to change.  that's why people are demonstrating over here right now.  taxing milti-millionaire is not going to hurt them and may feed some of the 5 million poor children right here in america.  what is it going to take for people to wake up, a green man?  and the republicans are in a stupor running around hollowing no new taxes, while bridges are cracking.  they are hollowing about new jobs, but they want to get rid of post offices, policemen, teachers etc.  That's wiping out the middle class workers.  Plus those are jobs.  they don't see that. tunnel vision and programming.  we need a channel that is not based on hype and that states the facts from history and what politicians are saying.  Truth in advertising. which we do not have now.  everybody takes a side and then hates the other side without looking into real political history and facts. 


    tabber. Do you just make up crap because it sounds good to you????? There has never been a statement made to the effect of getting rid of all Post Offices, the Police or eliminating the teaching profession.

    Ted Turner donated his money to the UNITED NATIONS. Where do people like you dream up this BULLSHIT !!!! ??????

    And if you'll take the time to find out for yourself... rather than blab bullshit ... you'll find that the top 10% of taxpayers already pay about 70% of the income taxes in this country. What should they pay ?????? ALL OF THEM ??? And how is it that you're so wise as regards OTHER PEOPLES money ??? They do EARN it don't they ??? If you're so damned concerned about bridges etc etc ... go get a part ime job and give the money to the State so they can repair YOUR bridge. How bout you do some more paying ?? If its your idea .... Then DO IT !!!

    Go the the IRS website if you need FACTS !!!!!!!

    You make good points. I took part in a survey in which I asked people which Boy Scout they would rather have as their own son - a profit-motivated boy or a service-motivated boy. ALMOST 100 % responded with service mitivation. The identified people choosing profit motivation were holders of or candidates for MBA. I wonder what kind of damage is being done to the MBA people and, subsequently to society in their university classrooms by professors who have dollar bills pasted over their eyes and have no idea how harmful that profit motivation is. Maybe they would be surprised to find the small print - "IN GOD WE TRUST." That has worked for me for my whole lifetime.
    Write some more, please.

    You have ago

    Well they tried to recruit OBAMA!!!!!

    Most likely the wholeparty is full of low IQ people. Bush was supposed to have an IQ of 120, but I don't know. I think he had a low IQ. Maybe, it's because all the others are low so it rubs off.


    I meant young George.

    johnath...   Since you're so wise.   What exactly is the IQ of all the Republicans that are running for President.?????    You have no idea......  You're just an airhead. 

    And since you are obviously so much smarter than all these people of accomplishment .........  the millionaires etc. ...  what exactly are you ???  A Janitor ???   A Cashier at a convenience store,  a sky hop ????   .



    pioneer2 i see you would rather insult people than look for real facts yourself. how many people don't know that thousands of teachers have been laid off in the United States. Police forces have been reduced all over California. Post offices are being threatened because they are not making a profit as the news reports it. I spoke to some of my neighborhood postal workers and they are dismayed because of the talks to close many post offices. Now where have you been? with regard to blabling b.s. i believe you are taking about yourself. And as the great religious leader Vernon Howard said, people sometimes confuse facts with an over active imagination. There are several places on the internet where you can get facts, regarding police, teachers & post office troubles. p.s. i realize the rich pay more taxes. But once again look at corporate welfare, offshore tax shelters, business writeoffs etc. Even many of the enlightened rich said they should pay more.

    tabber: You're missing my point (I think) There is NO question mark after my statement about TED TURNER giving one billion dollars to the UN. Its on the internet. HE DID.

    In his statement he said: He was giving it for REFUGEES, PEACEKEEPING, TO FIGHT DISEASES, TO UNICEF FOR CHILDREN, ETC. ETC.ETC.

    Nowhere in his statement nor his speech does he mention the word REEEEEPUBLICAAAAAAAAN.


    In fact your statement is: titan Ted Turner, who owns CNN television gave away billion dollars to try to lead REEEEEEPUBLICAAAAAANS into sharing their wealth more. HE DID ???

    I've googled every way I can think of to find that statement WHERE IS IT ??????

    Then you go on to say that REEEEEPUUUBLICANS minds are programmed a certain way. AND YOURS ???????



    Fireman, policemen, bridges ... these are all STATE, COUNTY, and CITY issues. I live in the midwest and we have not laid off ONE fireman, or policeman. When a bridge needs repair .... we repair it. Not the US GVT.

    Yes there is some pressure as regards teachers. We'll solve that problem Too. The good news for us is that our politicians are not SLEEPING with the UNIONS ... so our finances are not in the toilet like some of these STATES that have spent themselves nuts.

    THE POST OFFICE. There is a problem there. But why wouldn't there be. Retire after 30 years service with 80% of your wages, the effect of e-mail and the fax machine. All we get in the mail is junk. And the volume is down dramatically. Whats your answer ??

    And of course while you didn't mention them by name. The lefts favorite whipping post.
    Well since I live in the MIDWEST. Let me say the Koch Company and Koch family are GOOD CITIZENS. Yes they contribute to right of center causes (you can do that in America) they also give generously to various charities.

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