    Is it at all possible to organise an International Protest against Captalism without using the products of capitalism?

    All these protests in various cities and not a carrier pidgeon or a chap with a cleft stick in sight. Instead its texting and emailing, videoing and the ubiquitous rock music, all produced by 'Corporates', and shown on You Tube and TV. HYPOCRICY writ large.

    +3  Views: 669 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Capitalism = greed = prosperity. Keep on keepin on.

    Not any more

    Its irrelavent. When people protest they use the tools available and capitalist are not the sole innovators of technology. Look at the countries that don't follow a capitalist system and still have an advanced technology. And if you check in our country you will see that the biggest technolgical advancements in our society were started as developements of the military industrial complex. While they may use a great number of contractors now, this wasn't the case in the past. Also, the statement that they are using things that are the result of capitalism is a specious argument because that fact doesn't have any thing to do with whether the capitalist system in our country has become distorted or not or do you suppose that capitalism is somehow pure. While I think that capitalism is the best economic system I also know that any system is subject to abuse; thats why laissez-faire capitalism doesn't really work, simply because greed is a negative charateristic and usually leads to some sort of manipulation which then requires reasonable regulation.


    "Look at the countries that don't follow a capitalist system and still have an advanced technology".

    Thanks I will. Er.... which ones are they?

    Are you kidding? Just because a country isn't as rich as ours doesn't mean that they are unsuccessful. The Russians and Chinese are both technologically advanced but aren't capitalist and before you try to tell me that they stole it all, don't. Because that would really be a stupid comment. Now, the Chinese may be trying to institute a form of capitalism, but they have had advance technology for some time and the Russians never had anym yet they have some of the most advanced aircraft in the world. Some of the non capitalist countries have a much better educated population than we do. In fact, we are rated in the mid thirties in the world as far as an effectively educated people is concerned. Maybe, you should think before you make a sarcastic comment.

    I did not suggest anyone had stolen anything. I did not point to any country as 'ours'. I didn't suggest any particular country was less 'successful'. You put an awful lot of your words and ideas in my mouth.

    I was not being sarcastic either. I was just giving you an opportunity to expand on your views. So there is no need to insult me. Why do that?

    "Thanks I will  Er.... which ones are they?"  And you aren't being sarcastic? Right. Furthermore, I didn't put any words in you mouth; I was making my own point, thank you vey much, and you were the one that suggested that by using technology the protesters were somehow hypocrites. Also, just because a corp. makes something doesn't mean that they don't abuse the system. People use whats available to them. What do you think they should do, send up smoke signals? Now, I'm not trying to insult you, but to emphasize a point. If you saw it that way, then I apologize. 


    Apology accepted. Now let's be friends, eh.


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