    is there a parasite that inhabits in a humans nose?

    +3  Views: 1519 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

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    OOOOO!  I hope not.If there is I don't wanna know about it.


    Great minds think alike.

    Its called a Protozoa. It causes intense itching around the ears and head.

    Yes, it is a common thing.  A slimmy, sticky parasite called "bugaralosis-disgustinosis"

    It is advisable not to read the following text. You have been warned.

    Body and intestinal human parasite symptoms and worms symptoms are numerous. The symptoms of worms and parasites are many times the results of nutritional deficiencies created from the parasites actually eating you and the foods and nutrients inside of you.

     Human worms and parasites can be present in any person, of any age. Some reports say over 80 percent of people in the United States are infected with parasites.


    <font size="+1">Worms Symptoms And Human Parasite Symptoms</font>

    • Sugar and stimulant food cravings - parasites flourish on sugar

    • Brittle hair, lacks luster

    • Anemia (iron deficiency) - worms feed on blood

    • Hemorrhage from worms burrowing into sides of intestinal lining and other organs

    • Asthma

    • Allergies

    • Loss of appetite

    • Abdominal pain

    • Foods are not absorbed properly

    • Cravings to consume soil

    • Protein insufficiency

    • Upper abdominal discomfort

    • Mentally dull

    • Poor nail quality - weak, white specs, brittle

    • Insomnia - inability to sleep at night (At midnight parasites are in full swing. Parasites eat your body tissue, your body then releases cortisol to counter this internal inflammation - cortisol is an activating hormone which can wake you up or keep you awake.)

    • Problems, cracking around mucous membranes like the nose, ears, eyes, rectum and vagina

    • Itchy around anus

    • Fatigue - leads to stimulant food cravings

    • Low immune system - worms steal nutrition meant for you

    • Nervousness - toxic waste from worms can aggravate the nervous system

    • Feelings of crawling under the skin

    • Reoccurring sores and rashes - worms secrete toxic metabolic waste affecting skin

    • Mood swings

    • Bowel abnormalities, intestinal dysfunction, constipation, diarrhea, bloating

    • Sexual performance diminishes as vitality wanes

    • Some people do not experience obvious symptoms




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