    when times were good, I bought properties in different States. Now I cannot sell any. 16 residential lots

    in Toledo, seven in Texas, ten in California.  Some in Los Angeles. four in NY.  . I have houses also.  i cannot sell any due to depressed market.   Taxes are enormous but I have not paid  What are

    the way of getting rid of them. I want to liquidate. People have no money.  Auction are selling cheap. Any idea and suggestion to sell these.. Thanks


    +2  Views: 348 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    If board rules permit, why not list them here?

    Otherwise where are they listed for sale? I may be interested.


    Forum rules do not permit that. He could try Craigslist.

    There is no point in listing. By the time they
    list the lots it takes months. I want to sell them outright. Last year I sold a good lot for
    $1,800. The buyer took care of the back taxes and all the paperwork and escrow. They gave me a straightforward check. It closed within a week.
    I could give a QUIT CLAIM DEED and transfer all the properties in your name. If you are really interested I can send you a list.

    Maybe you're just asking too much for them. Try lowing your price. I hope you considered location when buying. 

    If you don’t get those taxes taken care of in about 2 years or so you will having nothing to worry about. But I am sorry for your troubles because buying high and selling low is going to hurt but will it hurt as much as it would to just give them to the tax collector.

    If you need to sell them now , you have to lower your prices considerably and even then, you may have a problem selling. Banks dont loan money anymore because they have to deal with all the foreclosures.

    Good luck. Many years ago I bought a house which needed much work, but the location and views were fantastic. I dumped a ton of money into it during the height of the market. I turned down a 1.1 mil offer at that time. I still own it and have dropped the price over a period of time to 390K, haven't had any action on it at all in two years. You like me friend are screwed. Hopefully you don't have mortgages. I keep praying the ocean will eat it up.


    Thanks for writing I believe you. Like a fool
    I did the same thing. 2005 was a good year I made some good money then everything just went down the hill. I refused offers of 300 to 500% and now many properties are collecting dust. Vandalism is one of the worse thing one sees here in US. In 35 years I have not seen anything
    like this. I don't know where we are going? Thanks for writing.

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