    second dui what are fines and jail time

    i got my second dui ten years ago im taking care of the past now i want to know what im looking at

    +2  Views: 268 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    What state? Why do you persist in drinking and driving?  Personally I believe in 2 strikes and your out, no more license, ever. Take public transportation. 

    Just saw your fine print. This is from 10 years ago? Have you been running from the law? Get a lawyer.


    I agree,DON"T DRINK & DRIVE....

    I'd say you are looking at 9 months.Behave yourself & you could be out in 3.A couple thousand for the fine.They won't go light on you if you have been avoiding it for 10 years.Lots of luck with it.I hope you have learned better by now tho.

    My fine for one DWI was nearly $2000 and 2 weeks in jail, I still don't have a DL as I haven't paid the fine. It's been 8 years and I don't know what to expect....

    I hope you are not driving,why did you wait 10 years? That will not look good when you do address it.

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