    Is there anyone who can help me reach the first lady,Michelle Obama ?

    I'm a black female,born and raised by economicly poor people, in this country but,not treated as americans. I'm proud to be a american but my children,grandchildren and myself have fallen through the perverbial crack,of society. I'm a handicap citizen,July 23 1999 i fell in a coma,my children sacreficed thier education,their happines,for me. I have been diagnoised with,Guillian Barre Syndrome,Chronic Osteomylitis,Fibromyalgia,Insulin Dependent Diabetes,i have a indwelling Foley catheter,that is conected to a drainage bag. I transfered to a substandard nursing home,( i believed the pamplets i read,and the people that came to the hospital,from the nursing home. This was October/2007, I'm a success story,all of my medical conditions are controlled by medications. I applied for a program called,Home Choice but,i have had to fight for programs i need in order to leave tis nursing home. I'm the mother of 10 children,9 grandchildren,it is a blessing to be alive and in my right mind. My children,grandchildren are my family,every day i'm in this nursing home is a tragity. I have wrote letters asking for help,from Shaun Donovan,( the secretary of H.U.D. ),given hope when i receive a letter from,Jim Cunningham. He wrote that Shaun Donovan asked him to contact me,in reguards to a letter i wrote him. Jim Cunningham told me a program called Home Ownership,he gave me a name and number to get me started. I was giiven a appointment for the first of 2 classes but the morning of the appointment,it was taken away. I tried to contact Shaun Donovan but,i'm being ignored. I have wrote,Senator Sherrod Brown,The First Lady,Mrs Michelle Obama,President Barack Obama,they have not responded to my calls either. I'm a U.S. citizen,i vote and obey the laws of this land,i believed what i read on the White House website: ( Thank you for contacting the White House, President Obama is committed to creating the most open and accessible Administration in history. That begins with taking comments and questions from you, the American people, through our website.)
    Is there someone who will help me,to conect to The First Lady,Michelle Obama,or President Obama ? Ther are programs and grants that i'm eligible for but,Shaun Donovan is not elacted by us. He was appointed by the President,my children need help to enter college. I have watched tv shows that gave families homes,shopping sprees,got companies to give the families. Is there someone that will do the same for my family ?

    0  Views: 392 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Michele is not in the white house to help people. She is there to remind  the people that her husband is God and she is his wife who needs lots of clothing and shoes. Do not expect either one of them to help you. You are not the only one in this country in the position you are in. Some are worse off because they are trying to survive in the streets. The Obamas can not get you a house no matter what Barack promised during his campaign for presidency. They are not true Americans. They might be able to get you a hut in Africa, his birth place of Kenya more specifically,  however. I wish you the best in getting the help you feel you need. Keep trying avenues within your  own state. 

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