    do you think god needs us or we need him...?

     i got my opinions or should i say beliefs ... what are yours..??

    +1  Views: 625 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    without god none of us would even exist.. we need him or else why would we even be here..

    The urge to have children is within God as a primal part of existence. This urge is inherit in all living living beings and creatures. For lower life forms reproduction is the basic purpose for their existence. Higher life forms have this urge as well, but are usually more selective than merely acting upon their urges. God as our Creator understands the potential of these Creations in complete competency and depth of meaning. Our lives are invested into our discovery and understanding of the will and way of God. We are God’s children.



    This in the Enochian Mysteries, is this secret, refered to as the "I not I" worlds."

    Solution: the "I" is ever inclusive, while  the "not I" is ever exclusive.  This meaning  that the "I" can can exist without the "not I" but the "not I" can never exist without the "I".  For there must be a Subject before and Object; an Idea before a form; Consciousness before an organism.  Enough of the mental exercise; the fun stuff.  

    For simply and plainly said, God is Life, and man cannot exist with that special Spark of Life Consciousness, God has gifted him with.  For this Spark, a part of Himself, is everlasting while the body/personality, containing It is not;  the who, who needs who.  Man must get the priorities striaght to Understand Gods Divine Spark is His Presence within all men, within all "things..

    This is the solution to who needs who and who created who.   ;-)

    ""Holy hell! Are you for real? He needs me too.


    In philosophy U learn that God exists because U as a thinking subject, think of God.
    If mankind did not exist, nobody would think of God and God would not exist.
    God exists because we think He exists. So, God need us...
    Remember: "cogito ergo sum".

    If U understand it, read EMMANUEL KANT

    Blaaa, blaa and one more blaaa. These dudes only believe in a vengeful, spiteful, jealous God. I believe in a Supreme Being full of love
    Yes. We need G*D and G*D needs us. We are to act with G*D to repair the world. We need G*D's instruction as to how to accomplish this task as we work with G*D to achieve that goal.

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