    Why do they say So many feet per second per second when talking about the speed of bullets not just feet per second

    0  Views: 397 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    It makes no sense. They're dumb. Imagine if a cop pulled you over and said " you were going miles per hour,and I'll have to ticket you. Speed doesn't matter" "Yes, officer, I was moving, but maybe I was going 1/10th of a mph." DUH!

    2 Answers

    The speed you speak of is "muzzle velocity" that is , the speed of the projectile  as it leaves the muzzle and NOT the rate at which the projectile travels after leaving the muzzle.

     This rate of travel reduces as Jack Large said, so after the projectile has decreased it can be expressed as seconds per second in relation to this decrease in speed.

     A rifle projectile may have a muzzle velocity of 1800 feet per second but depending on atmospheric conditions, wind, gravity ,rain etc the speed may reduce at a rate of say 10 feet per second per second.

    By projectile of coures I am referring to the "bullet" in laymans terms.


    Because everything in motion that is propelled laterally slows down over time because of gravity.

    Things that are dropped, speed up over time until they reach terminal speed, because of gravity. 



    gravity and friction

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