    Whats with all the outrage and anger over wall street , all the protesting. ?

    What do these people want ? Free money. I would too, but i have to work for it . They want jobs. Tell them to go to Texas. I saw where the texas department of criminal justice has several hundred jobs available, at decent wages and benefits. Thats if they can pass a drug test.

    +3  Views: 1079 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    GOP: Obama, Biden Incite Wall Street Protests

    Friday, 07 Oct 2011 01:02 PM

    President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are under increasing attack for egging on the burgeoning Occupy Wall Street protest that has spread to cities across the country.

    Senior Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah said he believes comments Obama made about “running Republicans out of town” could end up turning the protests ugly.

    “We are going to have riots in this country because of what these people are doing," he warned.

    Hatch said Obama’s words coupled with by Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa’s Labor Day speech in which he called tea party members “sons of bitches” who should be “taken out” could incite violence.

    "They are going to get people very angry and sooner or later people who basically are dependent upon the federal government and are about to be cut back, yeah, you are going to have lots of problems," Hatch told reporters in Salt Lake City, one of many places that have seen protests.

    Fellow Republican Sen. Rand Paul joined in the attack on the White House, calling Obama’s comments “inflammatory,” and saying the protesters reminded him of the Paris mob during the French Revolution.

    “I see the president’s rhetoric of envy inflaming the public,” the Kentucky senator told Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano."

    “I hope ultimately it doesn’t result in lawlessness where they say, ‘Gosh those nice iPads through the window should be mine and why don’t I throw a brick through the window to get them because rich people don’t deserve to have them when I can’t have one.’”

    Obama said during his Thursday press conference that voters will “run Republicans out of town” if they refuse to pass his jobs bill. He then expressed sympathy for the Occupy Wall Street movement which started in lower Manhattan three weeks ago. He said it “expresses the frustrations that the American people feel.”

    “We had the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression, huge collateral damage all throughout the country, all across Main Street, and yet you’re still seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on abusive practices that got us into this problem in the first place,” Obama said.

    “People are frustrated and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works.”

    Biden likened the protests to the birth of the tea party. “What is the core of that protest?” he asked. “The core is: The bargain has been breached. The core is the American people do not think the system is fair, or on the level. That is the core is what you’re seeing with Wall Street.

    “There’s a lot in common with the tea party,” he said at the Washington Ideas Forum. “The tea party started, why? TARP. They thought it was unfair.”

    Biden is not the only one likening the movement to the tea party. The Los Angeles Times asked whether the movement is “a tea party for Democrats.”

    The idea was shot down by Tea Party Express chairwoman Amy Kremer. She told Britain’s Guardian newspaper the protesters were like “a kid having a temper tantrum because their parents won't buy them the whole ice-cream store.

    “Their demands are ridiculous, absurd." Kremer added. "This isn't Wall Street's fault. It's Washington's fault – and that's where they should focus their efforts."

    But David Webb of Manhattan-based Tea Party 365 believed there are similarities. “The transport unions are getting behind it, rabble rousing and agitating, is imposing its progressive agenda on it," he told the Guardian.

    "I accept that there will always be institutions or individuals who want to take advantage of any grass-roots movement," added Webb. "They tried to take advantage of us, but by and large we said no. We don't yet know whether Occupy Wall Street will do the same."

    The Occupy Wall Street protests have spread to cities including Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and Tampa in the past week. Although ostensibly an anti-big business demonstration, it has attracted groups concerned with a wide range of left wing issues.

    Jonathan Collegio who works for Karl Rove’s American Crossroads office in Washington told Newsmax that protesters near his 14th Street office had signs ranging from “Voting is a Hoax – Wake Up” to “Jail Obama” to “The military budget is KILLING Washington State!” and even “Stop Cheating Movie Goers.”

    “It’s just your generic left wing protest,” said Collegio. “It reminded me of those World Bank/IMF protests from about 10 years ago, where the exact cause was nebulous, and the protests were instead a cornucopia of disparate left wing causes from veganism to anarchy.”

    Tea party aligned Rep. Paul Broun of Georgia agreed. “They don’t know why they’re there. They’re just mad,” he told ABC’s Top Line.

    “Now the unions seem to be weighing in and trying to subvert that anger into a political power to try to re-elect a president whose policies are just totally ignorant and incompetent about the economy and how to create jobs and how to create freedom in this country.”

    Radio host Rush Limbaugh described the protesters as Obama’s base. “He expressed his solidarity because those are his campaign foot soldiers down there. He can't turn his back on them this close to the elections,” Limbaugh said.

    Leading Republicans have also bashed the movement. Presidential candidate Herman Cain said he believed the whole protest movement has been “planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama Administration.

    “Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself. It is not someone's fault if they succeeded, it is someone's fault if they failed.”

    And Majority House leader Eric Cantor called the protesters “a mob” saying he was becoming “increasingly concerned” about the growing movement.


    He's showing his true colors and agenda more and more. Anyone who votes for this man again is truly wearing blinders.

    Thanks for your time explaining it.

    I still don't understand completely but, the jokes are funny.........

    Get a copy of the bi-partison congressional investigation on what and who caused the housing collapse.  Just for starters.

    I don't know, what is all the outrage and anger of the tea party?


    The tea party is trying to force the US Constitution back into our government and onto the leaders who seem intent on over stepping it's boundaries. They are a threat to politicians everywhere who are in it only to make money off the slaves of America, the citizens of this country.

    Whether or not the government violates the constitution is almost a matter of opinion. For example, some people think that its a document written in stone while others think that it evolves with time. I support the later. How can the constitution remain static when it creates so many derivatives i.e. laws and the addition and subtraction of amendments. The constitution is elastic and was designed to be so. And we elect these slaveholders. So, we also have the power to vote them out. Also, I think that the tea party is nothing more than an offshoot of the right and I also think that they are a minority that has been given undue influence by the mainstream media because they sell papers and TV time. There is just something fascinating about seeing someone trying to make a point with little tea bags hanging all around their hats. As far as the constitution is concerned it was purposely ambigious in order to expand. I think its rediculous that people think the wall street crowd is somehow bad while the tea party is blessed by god, for some stupid reason. Furthermore, to say that if you are unsuccessful its your fault and no other reason could possibly be relavent is the silliest nonsense I've ever read. A lot of times people are locked into situations that foster ignorance through no fault of their own and many successful people inherit that success. To imply otherwise is simplicity at its most base.

    Inequality is so extreme in the US., we rank 93rd in the world in social equality.

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