    How is it possible to have sharia law in a democracy such as Great Britain?

    +2  Views: 646 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    NO! it certainly is not. If the muslims don't like it , kick them out.

    8 Answers

    If the immigrate to New Britain or any other country, they need to live under the law of that country. They have no right to demand theire own law. Send them back where they came from.

    ALL free britons should go to the streets and make the UK govt take notice you will not accept sharia law in the westminster system, but i'ts up to you if you want it stopped.

    If you live in the UK you should accept the UK culture and adapt to the British ways of life, not come here and change and upset the way of life of the British people. If you do not like our culture go back to your own country. 

    it's downright wrong..but it's politicaly correct.. but still wrong..


    It is not politically correct, you have one law for all.

    bump.. mouse was sticking.. above was my comment..

    By bending over and pleading "PLEASE".

    U must stay alert on what laws r trying to be passed.    

    Because we are a democracy.

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