    how can I delete websites I have visited

    0  Views: 189 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Go to right side of the bottom of your tool bar and click on safety. In the drown down menu you will see where it says, delete browsing history. Click on it, and another box will appear, there you will be able to check off what you would like the computer to do. Next, you press delete at the bottom of the menu, and let it do what you have chose for it to do. It will clear your whole browsing history if you like.


    You can also get rid of cookies that a lot of the companies sneak onto your computer.

    I don't know why it is under safety. But, I do periodically clean off the add-ons and cookies, as I do feel they have the ability to slow things down.
    Why ?

    safety ?

    It depends what browser you are using. The "safety" Shootah refers to may be called "Tools".

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