    how can a card be used with out the owner present

    0  Views: 339 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

     do this I this is very tricky question because in the UK as a example if I joined the AA car recovery ... and I used my credit card they can use that credit card evey year unless you notify them with in 28 days to cancele if you cancel after the 28 days they will not refund your card they will only give you credit for say next year now this has happened to me I complained to the ombisman and they are in there right tostill think this shoulkd be against the law on such transactions so watch out when using a credit card ask the company there terms on such things  

    Why can't I give my card to someone to use? Son?  Grandchild?  Spouse?  Friend?  There surely can't be anything illegal about that, as long as they sign their own name and not mine.  Just asking.

    LEGALLY?   If the cardholder is not present for a physical transaction, the card should be confiscated by the business to whom it was presented.  LP should detain the person/s trying to use the card until police arrive.

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