    how many chromosomes are there in a human body??

    science homework

    0  Views: 470 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in each human cell other than the reproductive cells

    That is the number in each cell, the body having between 50 and 75 trillion cells depending on the source you use.


     Singh, Anytime you want to know an answer, don't come here, just type the same question in Google or your favorite browser. You will arrive at a page with all the information you need. I think this is a great place, but if you are doing homework, it is important you get the answers as if you were researching a book, which can be what the Internet is IF you use a site specific to your question and not another site where others have given what they think to be the correct answer.

    I thought is was 21...All I do know is that sheep and humans have the same number of chromosomes...

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