    What about the Mexican immigrants to the U.S.A?

    +2  Views: 318 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    What about them? If they are legal, they can stay, if they are illegal, send them home, kids and all. If they are illegally here and their kid was born here, they have two choices, leave it to be adopted by legal Americans or take him/her home with them..back to Mexico. 

    There is nothing wrong with Mexican immigrants. That is a term for documented Mexican Nationals who have applied for American Citizenship.

    Mexican immigrants is a term sometimes misinterpreted as being undocumented or illigal aliens. There are some in support of illegals and think they should remain in the United States and be given legal status. This should not happen. We need to screen who comes into this country, and not allow people of criminal backgrounds, people who may spread disease, or will commit more crimes such as identity theft.

    It is also unfair to the people, not only from Mexico, but other countries who are waiting to come here and follow our laws of documentation and immigration. The people who choose to come here illegally are a burden to our economy, and know that their actions will lead to deportation.

    Until Mexico has jobs for their people that can sustain them they will come to the US. Maybe we should go there Our money is worth much more in Mexico.


    Mexico could sustain their people. It is their government that is failing them and depending on America to finance them. Mexico has all the resources to sustain their country. Fishing industry, oil, farming, mining, and more! They are a people who don't know how to govern themselves.

    I predict a SIGNIFICANT increase of Mexican immigrants pouring into the country to vote for Obama if it looks like he won't be re-elected in 2012.

    Make a note of it.



    And I predict that would be the worst thing for him ... C'mon down and insure that he is a one term president. Thanks!

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