    flu shot cost??

    0  Views: 721 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    It depends on your insurance company.  It's at no cost if you have Medicare or Medicade.  Some pharmacies charge $15.00 others $25.00.  Sometimes there are flu clinics where you can get one for free or reduced cost.  Check with your Local Doctor or Pharmacy. 

    in the UK they are free but you do have to be a pensioner or have a problem with heart or asma or pregnant to qualify for free shots or if there is going to be a epademic then there is a que you can get the flu jab from tesco and asda and they charge a round $15.00

    in my area of Mich, it  cost  $25. last year, but I didn't get one. They might have gone up. The reason I didn't get one is that they put the H1N1 flu strain in the vaccine. They did that again this year---- my doctor told me. So, I'm not getting one this year, either.

    Preventive immunizations are fully covered by most insurance companies.  There are community centers, churches and non-profit organizations offering free flu shots to seniors and those with health problems, like asthma, COPD, and pregnant women.   Children without health insurance coverage can get free flu shot under the CHDP (Child Health and Disability Prevention) Program.  Call or visit the website of the Dept of Public Health to find out more details.

    I feel so out of step here - the flu shot is free in the UK.


    I know you have National Health Care. I don't think it would work in the U.S. b/c the country is just too darn big ! Do they have it in Australia ?

    You are right mycatsmom - I know that what I meant I would have no idea of the cost. I understand in Australia they do have a free NHS system maybe not all of it but for their insurance which is the same as ours they get a better service.

    yea I know how you feel Im from the UK as well we are so lucky really arnt we!


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