    Difference between Alzheimer and Dementia

    my husband was dianoised with fronta lobal dementia

    0  Views: 362 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    The differences between Alzheimer and dementia: Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia characterized by gradual loss of important mental functions; it is a very common cause of dementia. Alzheimer's causes memory loss such as forgetting relatives' names and not more simple memories such as forgetting where car keys are.
    In addition to severe memory impairment, dementia is also characterized by increased language difficulties, impaired motor skills, inability to recognize or identify objects and difficulty in planning and thinking abstractly.
    Alzheimer's may occur at an early age such as 45 years of age, whereas Dementia is noted later in life, in 70-80 years of age.


    Good answer Michael, I have a therapy dog and we visit a aged care facility and some have Alzheimers and other poor devils have dementia

    The dementia "residents" can`t talk feed themselves or dress. It is a sad sad world but hopefully me and my dog bring a little joy.
    Well I know we do because some dementia "residents" can`t take their eyes off her and they try to pat her.
    I feel so privileged at 80 yrs of age to be as I am.

    Very good answer.

    PPL. You are indeed very lucky and you and Inca are doing a wonderful service for people with dementia.You have my respect.

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