    What is the Best car wax

    0  Views: 2719 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cars

    10 Answers


    WTH does this mean?? You're hijacking my thread!@!
    This is stupid that I have to type here to let someone know I commented to a new question.

    I tried to tell you that.. You didn't believe me when i said it. Thats the trouble with women, they don't pay attention!

    We might not pay attention to you but we still get stuff done...just finished sending in a report about the issues with the new site and that was one that I listed, so there! Now open this beer for me. My hand hurts from all that typing.
    Umm, Bronco could use a good wax......just case you're bored or something.. :D

    Now how could I be bored with you following me around this place.. :)
    I'm sorry Colleen, please bring your Bronco over here, I'll get started on it right away. Can you stop by the likker store for some beer?

    Beer, check...hope you like coors light. And what do you mean I'm following you around the place?? I'm not following, I'm stalking..get it right mister! :D

    Stalking is against the law, following is not! You should stick with what I said, its for your protection.
    Mitch, I'm a waxoholic, I wax my cars about every 6 weeks. There's two objectives to waxing your car, durability and shine. in my case, durability is not important to me as I wax every six weeks. There's also different types of waxes or 'no wax' products. There's a polish (no wax) on the market that can be found by a private distributor in your area or online. The name of this product is ZAINO. It can be found at

    Zaino uses no carnuba. also, Zaino is a durability polish as well as a shine.. The difference in Carnuba waxes and Zaino (non-carnuba) in the shine, where Zaino gives off a very bright 'in your ace' shine, very bright, carnuba gives a soft glow. I like the 'in your face shine'. Kinda like the difference between high definition and low definition. analog vs digital when Zaino is digital.

    There is a process for preparing your car for zaino treatment, its a bit involved but after this, you can polish your car in about 20 minutes because of its slickness. Have fun and ask any question you like!
    The best wax is when you can talk someone else into waxing it.
    I use Turtle Wax.
    And BTW: There's car waxes that will cost you $200+ for a small 8 oz can. The most expensive is not necessarily the best, but it is the most expensive. Zaino is not cheap but no where near the most expensive. Also, due to its durability, you will really only need to do it once per year where carnubas you need to do on average once every 3 months to keep the protection going. Carnuba melts in hot sun, (its wax) This breaks it down, also washing the car breaks it down. These two elements do not affect Zaino, in fact, the only thing that will remove it is alcohol. When i zaino, I put three coats on in one setting, takes me a couple hours, the curing time is about 20 minutes between coats, the reason I do this is because the more coats of Zaino, the deeper and richer the shine.. I will run it up to about 50 coats then remove it, claybar and start all over again.

    " Eagle One NanoWax."

    something with lots of carnuba wax in it

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