    Does anyone have a recent picture of Sylvester Tores of Newark, Ohio or NYC? The company he says he owns is

    He's made a lot of promise's I don't know what to believe of him, he has a lot of things he's said are inconsistant for instance he said he's 54 and according to Karma they said he's 66? Should I dump him? He said he's a widow, so I hope he's not married because he sent me a promise ring.

    +2  Views: 1655 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    he is a scammer

    4 Answers

    This might be something you are interested in reading:

    This guy told me he was a widower from Newark, Ohio.  He called me and the name on my call display was Randy Green from New York. When I questioned him on it, he accused me of being with the FBI and wouldn't talk again.  He's a scammer, run for the hills!!

    Never talk to or email him again. In fact, he should be reported to the police and the dating site administrators. Do not give him your full name, address or phone number. He is a liar and a con artist. A good, honest God-fearing man will come your way one day if you wait, become the best you can be and not become desperate. Be selective and you choose who will treat you with consistent kindness and respect. You deserve the best. Don't settle for less. In the meantime, go to church, get close to Jesus and enjoy life and good health. Stay connected to family and friends who love you. When I asked him for his address, church name, etc. so I could confirm who he is, he got angry. I never had contact after that. His voice sounds like he is much older than he says he is.

    A promise ring at the age of 54 or 66 would or should send you running for the hills. High school for this guy was a long time ago and I haven’t heard of promise rings since then.

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