    In places like Iran and Iraq and other middle eastern nations where religion dominates the governing parties, do you not think that those people vote along religious lines rather than policy?

    +2  Views: 327 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    People vote for all kinds of reasons other than policy. Skin color, where they were born, good looking or bad looking etc, etc.

    In places like Iran and Iraq, the elections are usually fictitious or predetermined. The governing in those countries is not liberal or democratic. Those societies are usually muslim fundamentalistic ones. For those reasons, voting and liberalism doesn’t have much to do with those countries.

    Religion prevails in those two savage lands. Ed1530, is correct, 95% of blacks in America voted for this imbecile because of skin color only. The man is ruining this country, but the black community with very few exception will vote for this Lying MF'er again.


    Let us not forget that Hispanics and Whites voted for Obama too,
    ed shank

    doolittle, I agree, others voted for this man also, but they voted his rhetoric not his skin color.

    Of course the dead in Chicago voted nce and who the heck knows what happened in Florida a few years back.

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