    how do I help my dog after being hit by a car? No insurance!!!!!

    dear chichwaha

    +1  Views: 628 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Take him to the Vet immediately. The Vet might let you make monthly payments if you dont have the money. In the meantime call your Humane Society and SPA to find out where you can get financial help for your Dog. There are Animal Organizations that can help with your Vet bill if you cant afford it. I dont know how serious it is, You need to take him to the Vet right away.


    well said Ann xxx

    well said Ann xxx

    Medical assistance is required,there may be internal injuries .Ask the Vet, do they have a payment plan you can pay off.Don't let your pet suffer, after all you are his carer.

    as everyone has said see if you can pay the vet instalments as your dog needs a vet asap I do hope you are ok as well and you dog

    I agree with eveyone else , you must take the dog to a vet. even if you can't afford it, you must not let an animal suffer , try and come to some arrangement to pay, Good luck , hope he or she is not too badly hurt.

    you are unlikely to be able to do something by yourself, maybe even do harm

    so go to the doc 

    go to a vet clinic and plz pay the vet doctor!!! 

    I don't know of anyone who has insurance for their pet. I just know I can afford to have a pet, vet emergencies are factored in when I'm deciding if I can take another pet. Since you do not have a good relationship established with your vet, this tells me it's very rare if ever that your dog has seen a  vet. If your dog was seeing the vet on a regular basis, the vet would see him/her in an emergency and not worry about the money, they would just bill you. That's how vets work, at least all the ones I've ever known. Years ago I worked for  a vet and we would bill those who could not pay the whole bill up front. Perhaps your dog is better off with someone who can afford him/her. Sorry, it's the truth. There's no good reason on this earth that your dog should be forced to suffer because you can't budget for his/her needs. Too bad you really can't see it as a "dear chihuahua" as you called it just to get yourself some sympathy. I hope you've done the right thing and brought the dog to the vet. How the heck did it get hit by a car in the first place? Don't you have a fenced in yard? If no fenced in yard why was he/she not on a tie out? Weren't you keeping an eye on him/her? Lord I hope you don't have kids.

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