    what if there was no "god" and all was a lie? where would we stand and do you think we go on living with no guidance? why is god love? I'm curious to know...... is it bad to believe in something other then god? i am lost for not knowing which religious road i should follow....i have opened up my mind to many things but all the churches and people i have heard said the same thing that "their" religion is the true study of god, but how can i believe that if most bibles i have studied have been

    +2  Views: 505 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hey, Julia go to that site I suggested: You'll find this on there, The Bondage of Blind Biblical Faith - Exposed!

    5 Answers

    Atheists do just fine not believing in a God. They still have morals and lead good and decent lives.

    God gave you freedom to believe what you want. Your path back to him does not have to be through a church or a book. Your journey is your own and unique to you. You will find what brings you peace and comfort because only you can know what that is. God is patient and will wait for as long as it takes.

    If there truly is no God, then live by man's laws and you can still be a good an productive person.


    I'll second that!

    I have nothing to say--- But I wanted to get here first!  This is gunna be a fun thread!! Yippeee!!    I gotta pull my pants leg up and put my wading boots on!! LOL


    Vinny, go here: where you will find this, The Bondage of Blind Biblical Faith - Exposed!

    It won't be long before the holy rollers will be on, Vinny!

    The answer is:   MO


    eni mini miny MO

    Does that help you at all?



    Careful what you catch by the toe,tho these days it's Tiger isn't it?

    we used that little verse over & over again when we were kids without ever giving any thought to what it meant.I haven't heard it in years.

    Seems like nothing is safe any more.

    I have a feeling that this thread will not end at MO. This probably will go on for 10 weeks or so. We got here first, Tommyh, at least. :)

    This is too much for me........I'm leaving this one to the experts!


    I knew the holy rollers would invade sooner or later. It's like a disease.

    The funny thing is, Daisy, everyone's an expert. Wait til tomorrow.

    I wouldn't know where to begin, I am dumbfounded! I'm just going to sit back and read!

    You guys are so funny.

    Beliefs and denials are a mental filtering mechanism that allows a person to see what they have chosen to see in a certain way. These mechanisms tend to serve a group consciousness well in that  a group of like mined people tend to get along well together. I have enjoyed a lifetime of exploring these groups of like minded peoples in order to understand their various views that are based on their beliefs and denials. All of them have values and virtues that present the membership with some sort of reward scheme beyond simple fellowship and service. Most have some arrangement of fear that keeps the slackers in attendance and some traditions in practice. These are pacifying theorems designed to keep attendees in check and at ease within the group.    

    The group consciousness is brought together and orchestrated by a single leader usually. The leader must abide by all of the group principals and usually present themselves as the group leader. 

    Choosing what group to join has usually been dependent upon one’s childhood. But increasingly there are those without such a cultural path. I found the Urantia Book and A Course In Miracles to be most satisfactory to me. Both are freely available books on the net.

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