    Do you think DR Conrad Murray, is guilty , for death of Micheal Jackson. ??

    +4  Views: 733 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Michael Jackson had addictions  to Prescription drugs and everyone around him was an enabler.and I think Dr Murray was no exeption. I think he might be quilty of involutary manslaughter but nothing more.

    I believe he is partially to blame, maybe more than partially. I haven't followed the story since it broke so I'm not sure what else they may have found.


    Thank you Colleen for your answer.

    Unable to follow the court case on TV, On TV news said same, guilty of involutary manslaugher, which carrys four year sentance.  Thanks Ann for your answer.

    I wasn't in the courtroom to hear any of the evidence and the media has already taken sides...I can't judge a thing....

    partialy it seems to me that michael had a death wish, but unfortunitly the justice system needs someone to lynch..


    I really agree with you daren, legal system, in US, just wants to look good. and blame some one. Not sure if Micheal has death wish, think he was so screwed up from drugs, he had no idea what was happening.

    Michael requested for drugs.  The doctor should have said "No".

    Yes, he's 87.9% guilty.  Lock him up for 60 days...Lenient court system is America.


    If the court is so lenient. Why so many people in prison, for years.

    Conrad is perceived as a white collar criminal, incapable of harming anyone in society. Of course, the truth shows that that's wrong but this is typical of our judicial system....Our system? Rob $5000 a bank: 20 years; stealing $5 million from a bank, his company, or his shareholder: 6 months in jail with good behavior.

    Jackson was looking for a "yes" doctor. And $$ was not a prob for MJ to pay anyone for what he wanted. It was just bad timing for Murray. However I do believe that he broke the law once he had the drugs sent to his gf's  apt. Murray knew it was wrong. He should lose his Dr's lisc.


    I agreee, money can be the root of all evil.

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