    Why are Sarkozy and Berlasconi conferring about Tunisian refugees; what do they fear?

    Have Tunisian refugees actually crossed from Italy into France?

    0  Views: 503 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    The refugees have been allowed into france by italy...france does not want these people on their france has allowed them tpo travel to Calais..where they will obviously try and gain entry into the uk via dubious means..and then claim asylum here....we dont want them either...because our nation cannot keep supporting these people through our over generous benefits system, but the same applies to any foreign nationals.
    One example of our generosity was the asylum seeker who arrived on our shores with...wait for it....10 kids..( how and why was they allowed the first place ) and given a huge mansion..the rent paid which is ?1500 a all the other benefits that goes with it...and they havnt paid one penny into the system...we are fed up with these scroungers...
    There are Poles who claim child benefit once they have worked a short while..then go home..and continue claiming till the kids are 16 with no further contact from the DSS.....then thereare the Africans who `borrow` other relatives kids in order to increase their child benefit..thats for life too...when will this madness end.....i am not against any refugee who wishes to run from persecution..but it has to end..we dont have a never ending pot of gold....i have just retired after working for the past 50 years, paying my tax and insurance..and these people earn more in a week than i get in a some of them live in better conditions than a lot of british born people..and thats just not fair..

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