    signs of heart attack

    0  Views: 539 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Typical heart attack symptoms

    Symptom/ Description

    Chest discomfort or pain

    This discomfort or pain can feel like a tight ache, pressure, fullness or squeezing in the center of your chest lasting more than a few minutes. This discomfort may come and go.

    Upper body pain

    Pain or discomfort may spread beyond your chest to your shoulders, arms, back, neck, teeth or jaw. You may have upper body pain with no chest discomfort.

    Stomach pain

    Pain may extend downward into your abdominal area and may feel like heartburn.

    Shortness of breath

    You may pant for breath or try to take in deep breaths. This often occurs before you develop chest discomfort or you may not experience any chest discomfort.


    You may feel a sense of doom or feel as if you're having a panic attack for no apparent reason.


    In addition to chest pressure, you may feel dizzy or feel like you might pass out.


    You may suddenly break into a sweat with cold, clammy skin.

    Nausea and vomiting

    You may feel sick to your stomach or vomit.

    Most heart attacks begin with subtle symptoms — with only discomfort that often is not described as pain. The chest discomfort may come and go. Don't be tempted to downplay your symptoms or brush them off as indigestion or anxiety.

    Don't "tough out" heart attack symptoms for more than five minutes. Call 911 or other emergency medical services for help. If you don't have access to emergency medical services, have someone drive you to the nearest hospital. Drive yourself only as a last resort, if there are absolutely no other options.

    Heart attack symptoms vary widely. For instance, you may have only minor chest discomfort while someone else has excruciating pain. One thing applies to everyone, though: If you suspect you're having a heart attack, call for emergency medical help immediately.

    Funny you should ask. Well I probably had several but  I didn't know it. but my symptoms were not typical like Wes-Bus  mentions. I recall suttle pain starting in my jaw then  down my shoulders and  neck then finally some discomfort in my chest but never short of breath. I thought it was  due to maybe a hard days work like muscle soreness. Then I had bypass surgery and I'm good now. I could of kick it.


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