    Who do you report possible fraudulent use of a business to con the elderly to?

    3037 N. Harrison San Bernardino, CA 92404 September 1, 2011

    This is a cautionary note for health care providers to warn prospective clients about the owner and operator of the home health care business Priority Home Care Plus, Peggy Mirl Wade.
    This is written on my behalf since I’m an 85 year old disabled widow crippled with severe arthritis in my hands.
    Since my age and ongoing chronic illnesses, I made the grave misfortune of naming my now former health care provider and power of attorney as well as owner of Priority Home Care Plus, a home health care California based company, Peggy Mirl Wade as my power of attorney. Peggy Wade, however, stipulated that in order to effectively make medical decisions for me on my behalf, should I be incapacitated, would need what is called an Unlimited Power of Attorney.
    Unknowingly, I didn’t know what the full ramifications were of an Unlimited Power of Attorney, but Peggy Wade obviously did.
    It wasn’t until I got out of the nursing home where I’ve been seriously ill for over five months that I came to the full realization of what the full ramifications of an unlimited power of attorney were.
    It was while I was in the nursing home, that Peggy Mirl Wade, equipped with an unlimited power of attorney, and having absolute and total financial control over all of my assets sold my annuity and received the total sum of my annuity in one lump sum, got a reverse mortgage on my totally paid for house in one lump sum, and to add insult to injury, got hold of all my credit cards and maxed all of them out. All of this while I was incapacitated in the hospital, and not withstanding leaving me destitute facing a multitude of lawsuits from creditors while she goes immune from any legal consequences.
    Currently, Peggy Mirl Wade, owner of Priority Home Care Plus, is still in the home health care business in the Thousand Palms, and the surrounding areas.
    Although she goes immune from prosecution you need to be aware she is a predatory person preying on the elderly and disabled.
    For verification of these allegations please refer to the Department of Aging and Elder Abuse, San Bernardino for a detailed record of the investigation of the case.

    Faith R. Crosiar

    3037 N. Harrison San Bernardino, CA 92404 September 1, 2011

    This is a cautionary note for health care providers to warn prospective clients about the owner and operator of the home health care business Priority Home Care Plus, Peggy Mirl Wade.
    This is written on my behalf since I’m an 85 year old disabled widow crippled with severe arthritis in my hands.
    Since my age and ongoing chronic illnesses, I made the grave misfortune of naming my now former health care provider and power of attorney as well as owner of Priority Home Care Plus, a home health care California based company, Peggy Mirl Wade as my power of attorney. Peggy Wade, however, stipulated that in order to effectively make medical decisions for me on my behalf, should I be incapacitated, would need what is called an Unlimited Power of Attorney.
    Unknowingly, I didn’t know what the full ramifications were of an Unlimited Power of Attorney, but Peggy Wade obviously did.
    It wasn’t until I got out of the nursing home where I’ve been seriously ill for over five months that I came to the full realization of what the full ramifications of an unlimited power of attorney were.
    It was while I was in the nursing home, that Peggy Mirl Wade, equipped with an unlimited power of attorney, and having absolute and total financial control over all of my assets sold my annuity and received the total sum of my annuity in one lump sum, got a reverse mortgage on my totally paid for house in one lump sum, and to add insult to injury, got hold of all my credit cards and maxed all of them out. All of this while I was incapacitated in the hospital, and not withstanding leaving me destitute facing a multitude of lawsuits from creditors while she goes immune from any legal consequences.
    Currently, Peggy Mirl Wade, owner of Priority Home Care Plus, is still in the home health care business in the Thousand Palms, and the surrounding areas.
    Although she goes immune from prosecution you need to be aware she is a predatory person preying on the elderly and disabled.
    For verification of these allegations please refer to the Department of Aging and Elder Abuse, San Bernardino for a detailed record of the investigation of the case.

    Faith R. Crosiar

    3037 N. Harrison San Bernardino, CA 92404 September 1, 2011

    This is a cautionary note for health care providers to warn prospective clients about the owner and operator of the home health care business Priority Home Care Plus, Peggy Mirl Wade.
    This is written on my behalf since I’m an 85 year old disabled widow crippled with severe arthritis in my hands.
    Since my age and ongoing chronic illnesses, I made the grave misfortune of naming my now former health care provider and power of attorney as well as owner of Priority Home Care Plus, a home health care California based company, Peggy Mirl Wade as my power of attorney. Peggy Wade, however, stipulated that in order to effectively make medical decisions for me on my behalf, should I be incapacitated, would need what is called an Unlimited Power of Attorney.
    Unknowingly, I didn’t know what the full ramifications were of an Unlimited Power of Attorney, but Peggy Wade obviously did.
    It wasn’t until I got out of the nursing home where I’ve been seriously ill for over five months that I came to the full realization of what the full ramifications of an unlimited power of attorney were.
    It was while I was in the nursing home, that Peggy Mirl Wade, equipped with an unlimited power of attorney, and having absolute and total financial control over all of my assets sold my annuity and received the total sum of my annuity in one lump sum, got a reverse mortgage on my totally paid for house in one lump sum, and to add insult to injury, got hold of all my credit cards and maxed all of them out. All of this while I was incapacitated in the hospital, and not withstanding leaving me destitute facing a multitude of lawsuits from creditors while she goes immune from any legal consequences.
    Currently, Peggy Mirl Wade, owner of Priority Home Care Plus, is still in the home health care business in the Thousand Palms, and the surrounding areas.
    Although she goes immune from prosecution you need to be aware she is a predatory person preying on the elderly and disabled.
    For verification of these allegations please refer to the Department of Aging and Elder Abuse, San Bernardino for a detailed record of the investigation of the case.

    Faith R. Crosiar

    3037 N. Harrison San Bernardino, CA 92404 September 1, 2011

    This is a cautionary note for health care providers to warn prospective clients about the owner and operator of the home health care business Priority Home Care Plus, Peggy Mirl Wade.
    This is written on my behalf since I’m an 85 year old disabled widow crippled with severe arthritis in my hands.
    Since my age and ongoing chronic illnesses, I made the grave misfortune of naming my now former health care provider and power of attorney as well as owner of Priority Home Care Plus, a home health care California based company, Peggy Mirl Wade as my power of attorney. Peggy Wade, however, stipulated that in order to effectively make medical decisions for me on my behalf, should I be incapacitated, would need what is called an Unlimited Power of Attorney.
    Unknowingly, I didn’t know what the full ramifications were of an Unlimited Power of Attorney, but Peggy Wade obviously did.
    It wasn’t until I got out of the nursing home where I’ve been seriously ill for over five months that I came to the full realization of what the full ramifications of an unlimited power of attorney were.
    It was while I was in the nursing home, that Peggy Mirl Wade, equipped with an unlimited power of attorney, and having absolute and total financial control over all of my assets sold my annuity and received the total sum of my annuity in one lump sum, got a reverse mortgage on my totally paid for house in one lump sum, and to add insult to injury, got hold of all my credit cards and maxed all of them out. All of this while I was incapacitated in the hospital, and not withstanding leaving me destitute facing a multitude of lawsuits from creditors while she goes immune from any legal consequences.
    Currently, Peggy Mirl Wade, owner of Priority Home Care Plus, is still in the home health care business in the Thousand Palms, and the surrounding areas.
    Although she goes immune from prosecution you need to be aware she is a predatory person preying on the elderly and disabled.
    For verification of these allegations please refer to the Department of Aging and Elder Abuse, San Bernardino for a detailed record of the investigation of the case.

    Faith R. Crosiar

    +1  Views: 739 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Report to the Fraud Division of the Attorney General's office in you state.

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