    how to make apple wine

    0  Views: 663 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    I worked for an Italian gentleman who made Apple Champagne (what he called it) it was Apple cider which he fermented.  I do not know if it had any extra ingredients like sugar, yeast, etc.  I think he used nothing but unpasteurized cider, in a carboy, with a layer of olive oil on top, not even an air lock.  I was a kid of 17, did his grounds work.  He would let me take a bottle with my lunch.  I never saw him actually making it, but remember some from stages it was in when I would go there on weekends.  When bottled, he would use brown bottles, and lay them on their side, in slight sunlight from a window in his barn, for a certain number of days, then store in the dark cellar.  The stuff was very smooth, not overly alcoholic, and was a refreshing compliment to my sandwiches on a summer day.  I would sit under a shady tree to eat, after lunch production slowed down a little, but he knew that! 

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