    why is a multicircuit evaporator used ?

    0  Views: 444 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    An improved refrigerant evaporator which uses a plurality of circuits to maximize inner and outer surface areas and cross-feed refrigerant to quickly and uniformly remove heat from static solutions within a containment tank. Refrigerant is equally fed to a plurality of individual circuits 20 from a common inlet manifold 2 located at one side of the coil. Individual circuits 20 alternately incorporate, and do not incorporate, crossover members 23 to carry the incoming refrigerant to the each side of the evaporator such that it simultaneously flows inward from both sides. Individual circuits 20 are additionally arranged such that all which are contained within an evaporator are of identical length thus making the invention particularly well suited for use with non-azeotrope refrigerants. Further, the device does not immerse joints or connections in the cooled medium and performs well in corrosion environments.

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