    is the world going to end

    0  Views: 737 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    when Jesus comes in the clouds of glory

    No  12-22-12 will come  silly urban legend just a lot of hot air yawn!!!"" 


    when our sun turns into a supernova & explodes we will go with it.


    And what about the neutrinos?

    I guess the nuetrons will have to fend for themselves.

    Everything has an end just as it has a beginning. Thats why it's so important to live to your full potential. Don't put off sorries and I love you's. Don't believe in the can't you've been repeatedly telling yourself for years. Live full, laugh plenty and love like there's no tomorrow.

    Headless Man

    Good advice because there might not be......

    Yep! ;-)

    Check an see how many times people has ask this question, "world end" came up with 18 and I'm sure there is  more.

    People know things are changing weather they read the Bible or not.

    Why be concerned, be ready, may be today.


    I am not concerned GOD knows what he is doing you don't.
    Headless Man

    True, but we all can see the signs.

    There seem to be a lot of talking about these day not to mention movies plays and so on, It like were getting warning or feeling something is about to happen soon.Times are changing very fast lately, don't know what to expect from one day to the next.

    Headless Man

    So true.....

    yes..... but not any rime soon unless that one volcano gose kaboom then smoke and ash will cover the skies, kill plants which will kill the animals, which will kill us becvause we eat them!!!!!!


    Well quit ramming then and go into your mousey corner.

    ""It will be when you've got this thing pointed at you

    Yea hopefully today so it will put an end to this constant ramming by Randy.

    Headless Man

    Ram, ram,ram,ram,ram,ram ok I stopped feel better, you better look at yourself and not me, asking a question is not ramming, if you where here with me I would be the mouse in the corner.
    You can stop calling me by name and ignore me but nooooo.

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