    what is the cause of our usa trade deficit?

    +1  Views: 383 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    because Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA bill , meaning that all our jobs could be sent overseas, and they were. Just in Michigan here alone, 80.000 jobs have been sent overseas in teh last few years. ......and many of them to Mexico and Central America. So, the large Cooporations have contributed to the trade deficit.

    Bush started the ball rolling, and now Obama is running with it, and the greedy bankers have their fingers in the pie.


    Hope you don't mind if I tell you, but I'm not correcting you, that Bill Clinton signed the NAFTA agreement into legislation

    To create a trade surplus, the U.S. has to sell more than it buys from other countries.

    Conversely, to create a trade deficit, the U.S. has to buy more foreign products than it sells to them.

    Americans have such an appetite for cheap foreign goods:  we shop at Walmart like it's going out of style, and we buy all the foreign cars like Toyota, BMW, and Mercedez Benz.  I hardly see Americans take pictures with Kodak cameras any more.  Instead, they use, Nikon, Sony, and Canon.  The biggest problem is the demand for foreign goods.  It must be curtailed.

    Shipping jobs overseas is a bad thing.  However, if we're honest if ourselves, we tightened the immigration requirements years ago to prevent to many foreigners from coming into the U.S. to take over jobs that Americans were entitled to.  The consequence?  Americans got to keep those jobs for a while, then the multi-national companies began to wise up and created many jobs overseas, hence, the creation of new words like "outsourcing" and "offshore" jobs.  You can't have it both ways.  We Americans pressured the legislators to not let many foreigners in and we succeeded.  Now the jobs are going to the foreign countries where the labor is cheap and plentiful, no union to deal with, limited fringe benefits, and best of all no watch dogs overseas.

    To stop all this is to stop buying foreign goods.  It begins with citizens like us.  You fight long and hard enough, people will only buy Americans.  The end results?  Money will remain at home instead of leaving the country.  Can you take the pain?



    thank you both this helps alot:)

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