    Can I get my work records form social security

    0  Views: 399 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Visit the Social Security Administration's website and use Form 7050 to request a Detailed Earnings report. From the website's main page you can simply enter "7050" in Search box or click on "Forms and Publications", "Social Security Forms" and enter "7050" to retrieve the form.

    On the "Request for Social Security Earnings Information" form, check the "Detailed Earnings Information" box for a detailed report of your work history. Include the time frame you want the search to span; your fee depends on the number of years the search encompasses.

    Contact the IRS and request a transcript of your W2s. As long as you paid income tax while employed, your previous employers are required to file yearly W2s with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA forwards the information to the IRS. Your past employers should have also given you a copy of the W2s. If you are unable to locate your W2s, the IRS can mail you a transcript of all the W2s they have on record for you.

    Contact past employers. When you applied for employment with your previous employers you most likely completed a job application in which you included information regarding your prior employers. Call your previous employers to see if they have your work history in your personnel records.

    Visit your local Department of Labor (DOL) agency. Your employer is required to file quarterly wage reports with their local workforce agency. Contact the DOL for a listing of all the employers who reported earnings for you.

    Run a background check on yourself. Use a background check company to perform the check, which will state your complete employment background. The fees and delivery time depends on the provider.

    Read more: How Do I Get a Complete Record of My Work History? |

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