    I am 60 and type II diabetic and my sugar levels are moderate but not under control. Now I am going to marry a woman 15 years my junior. The fear of not getting any action on the penis side, i.e. a sizeable erection, I have delayed it by another few months. Is there a quick fix to this problem?

    0  Views: 654 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Try going on the Atkins Low Carb Diet for about a month .  That will lower your Blood Sugar and hopefully ED will improve.  Go to Doc and get physical and check prostate.  Make sure you are ok to take Viagra before you take it.   Viagra will help but you still need to be healthy. 



    Good answer.

    My hubby had a Stent put in his heart, he is 10yrs older than I am, but the ED showed up at least 1 1/2yrs before his heart attack.  I have found a couple of healthy additions to keep the blood flowing and the heart happy too.  Garlic-Garlic-and more Garlic in as many foods as possible.

    Another thing is.......I used Young Living Essential Oils on his feet EVERY problem w/getting blood flow anymore.  The oils are safe, and b/c our feet absorb through the skin quickly, essential oils can getto the bloodstream also quickly.  I use 'Goldenrod'-a blend called 'Mister' and another blend called 'Aroma Life' from Young living oils.  I use one drop of each on the bottom of both feet, but also on the inside of his ankles. This then assures he will have no problem getting things going. The important place on our feet for blood circulation-heart etc is under the left foot and large toe on the left foot, this connects directly to the heart organ. 

    We have been using the oils on my hubby's feet for one year now(2010-2011) his heart attack was in beg 2009.  He's doing well w/both meds-Oils-and healthier eating.  Can't get him off the soda though.....oh long as it isn't 'Diet Soda'....b/c of the aspartame dangers.  Good luck


    Motherheal ~ What excellent information. I always worry about Diabetes because there's so much in my family. I've avoided it. I didn't know that about essential oils. I will be learning more. Do you recomment any books or sites?


    viagra does work.

    Wow!  Very interesting!  I'm sure he eternally appreciates your knowledge and willingness to stay the course daily to help him. ( and you!)   My hands and feet freeze if temps drop below 65 degrees or so, always have. Not good circulation.  Didn't realize essential oils can help in that kind of arena, e.i., circulation. Thanks for giving me another avenue to try for improvement.

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