    Are there any members on this site that have to work for a living, got a job?

    employed, work

    +9  Views: 1319 Answers: 20 Posted: 12 years ago

    20 Answers

    No I use too work   I retired early and got on social security before its all gone 46 yrs. and thats enough


    46 yrs is a long time, I'm glad you got ss, like you said before it's all gone. Thanks matheneyg for your input.

    I am retired and drawing SS but I have a small shipping business that supplements my income. I also help my wife with a couple part time jobs she has. We are the main support of her extended family in a third world country. 


    Thanks Flip, I wish I was retired, got a few more years. Looking forward to doing so. Appreciate your input.
    ole hipster

    Always knew I liked you Mr. Wilson...after reading this particular answer of I know why..(your wife is a very lucky woman...let her know that for me please..though I am sure she already does!)
    Peace, love and happiness to both of you and yours from an old broad...(:

    @ Hipster: Well thank you my dear, and I like you as well! I guess I didn't mention my wife INSISTS I help her unless I want to eat TV dinners the rest of my life. :o)

    i've been self employed most of my life as an owner operatot trucker, mostly all union jobs around boston.. ubfortunitly the boom ended as predicted, i recently just sold off my truckk,needed the money to survive , now i looking for a new career.....god won't let me down,.


    I wish you all the luck daren, like you said God won't let you down, I pray that you will find something. thank you for your info.

    daren1, I wish you all the luck in finding a new career. I hear there's new oil fields opening up in South Texas. They need workers. Good luck. yvonne57

    Yes, i work, I am lucky one, I have never been without a job --  I will continue to work as long as I can.. Pick a field that pays well but has little competition for employment and you will do well.  I sell pianos, Not much competition for my job  but it pays well and I have never had a bill collector call me in my life, and its been a long one!  I also am a musician although I limit myself to that now as I get older, I don't have the desire to work late at night anymore.  Some jobs you must travel to as I traveled to where I am today because pianos are a big business here, other parts it is not, so often I hear from folks in my home town in Ohio...."How can you make a living selling pianos?"..  Example, If i were to sell fishing poles and shotguns, I would do much better in Ohio than I would here in Northern California...



    Very good Vinny, I'm thinking about changing jobs about a month from now, I'm really nervous, been thinking hard about it. Thank you so much for your input.

    Neat job Vinny. It sounds cool. r/yvonne57

    I'am in the printing field,lost my job last year and having a hard time finding another one.


    I'm sorry to hear that ClevelandRick, Is there a city or town nearby that may have the type job you seek? I hope you can find something, my prayers are with you. Thank you very much for your comments.

    Ah Rick. I was in the printing industry my entire working career and it is not what it used to be. Technology has taken over and put a lot of printers out of business. Best wishes in your search for a new job.

    Thanks Flip,I'am in the bindery part of printing (folders,stitchers,cutters)but if you don't have the printers,you don't have the binder's,and its the one thing i'am good at,so like i said i'am really getting worried and on top of all that my home life is really bad,i got me one of those pill heads that i'am going to have to leave.I am felling all alone right now,i've put with this shit for too many years.At 57 years old,things are not looking good.Do you know how many years i made 45-50 a year and i don't have a pot to piss in,man i'am in a bad spot i hope i can pull myself out of it...

    dont worry rick. God will pull you through. where we think there is no way out God will make us a way. keep the faith

    ClevelandRick, that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. That's a heart breaker. I hope something comes up for you soon. And your home life is bad too? I'll be praying for you. regards/yvonne57

    ClevelandRick, my heart goes out to you my friend. I SINCERELY hope things work out for you my friend, I'm heartbroken because I wish it was someway that I could help you out my friend, but I'm going to keep on praying for you my friend.

    Yes, I am a musician. Currently, I am working as an accompanying pianist and piano teacher.


    That's impressive, man I wish I could play the piano. I'm very glad you're doing well. Thank you Papitou for your input.

    You're welcome! :)

    Vinny sells piano's Papitou, maybe you guys should get together!!! r/yvonne57

    Hey Yvonne, good idea, but I'm afraid the shipping might cost more than the piano itself... ;)

    I work in the Printing Industry, have done so for the last 45 years, can't wait till retirement, getting up each day at 5.00 am and driving an hour +( each way),  each day is starting to be tiring. printing over the years has certainly changed, everthing now is going digital and so will the craft of printing. If i could do it all over again i wouldn't. lol.


    I was a service tech in the printing industry for 43 years. It certainly did change over the years. I retired a couple years early because it had changed so much.

    bulletman, Flip & ClevelandRick were in the printing business too - isn't that a coincidence? And Vinny and Papitou are in the music industry. Wow, what a small world!

    Bulletman, that is so impressive, 45 years. Technology is changing the work place in so many ways. When you retire, please take it easy and enjoy life my friend, YOU DESERVE IT.

    I didn't intend for this question to be offensive to anyone when I asked it. If some ppl on this site could stop twisting around my intentions it would be nice. Everyone knows if you see a question that you don't like YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER IT, MOVE ON,  I DO INSTEAD OF trying to argue with someone about it JUST move on, there a PLENTY of other questions to answer. I asked this simple question and knew I was going to get negative feedback from someone. If it was one of those derogatory sex questions, I could understand ppl getting upset. I want to thank the ppl that stood up in my defense and saw that I wasn't tryin to put anyone down, that is not in my nature.

    ed shank

    I think it's a great question.
    country bumpkin

    Sorry for the crap! *~* I hope you have a good weekend spacy and don't work to hard.

    Arryoudini, Ed, and country, I thank you KIND and WONDERFUL people for the kind words, I love you girls/guys with all my heart. When ever I ask or answer a question I don't want to offend or hurt anyone's feelings, I'm not that type of person, I'm a man of peace. I usually don't ask many questions for that reason, I'm always afraid that I'm going to hurt someone's feelings, again thank you WONDERFUL people for the kind words, it really made my day.

    Self employed Interior Designer and its hard work! but I love it in fact I eat and sleep the job ok Im weird! xx

    country bumpkin

    Hi Mel: I have not made the chicken recipe yet. I have been in clinicals almost everyday so dinner has been only things I can make that are quick and easy. Also my son goes to work after school and I want to make it on a night when he's home to enjoy it. I hope to make it soon. I clean houses for a living but I have just finished 6 months of classes to become a phlebotomist.
    country bumpkin

    Sorry Mel, I told you about my carrier path just now because I thought you were the one who asked this question but I see now that it was spaceghost. LOL

    hi Country bumkin thank you for your comment when you get time to cook that you and your son will enjoy if you want i can give you really quick recipies ! let me know, and congratulations on becoming Phlebotomist (I had to look it up) are taking blood from humens or Animals! good luck in your future work and well done again oxoxoxox

    dondowningir thank you LOL

    melandrupert, sounds like a fun job. You are lucky. r/yvonne57

    thanks Evonne57 for your comments I love my job xxxx

    Hello Mel my friend, no you're not weird, you enjoy your work and that's a GOOD thing to enjoy what you do. There are SO many people that actually hate what they are doing and it's hard sometimes to find what you really would like to do. Thank you very much for your comment.

    Your welcome my freind and thank you for your kind comments xxx

    I quit my job ten years ago as a bond broker and never had a 9 to 5 job again. I have a hobby that generates income. I'm fortunate that my wife still works Were both 60 years old and SS is around the corner for the two of us. We've been very fortunate in that we are financially secure at this time. I wish everyone out there having a tough time the best of luck in what ever your pursuits are. This economy sucks, and we just have to endure till things turn around.


    Ed, I really do admire you. I'm so happy that your hobby generates income for you, you are very blessed. I hope that you and your wife have a joyous retirement when that time comes. Thank you so much for well wishes, it's hard out here, like you said the ECONOMY SUCKS, but we will make it through some how. Thank you so much for your comments.

    I am now semi-retired.I have been self employed in the building trade virtually my entire life apart from a couple of stints driving trucks.(Something I just had to get out of my system). I only do small jobs now.mainly for people I have known for a long time.I spend a lot of time at home because we have an invalid daughter who my wife cares for full time with my help to do the heavy lifting.


    Tommyh, sounds like you and your wife are constantly busy. I hope you have someone that can come in and help you once in a while? I've heard that helps when you are attending to an invalid child or parent or anyone. Take care. Regards/yvonne57

    Thanks Yvonne.We have a sitter that comes in Monday mornings so we can go grocery shopping.That's about it.

    Hello Tommyh my friend, I'm SO sorry about your daughter, but I know she has two wonderful and caring people in her life, I admire you as a parent and human being in general. Thank you so much for that wonderful input.

    i work in a casino talk about a variety of people everyday wow


    clu - do you like working in a casino? My Husband and I are going to Vegas and I've often wondered what the employees think of us? Is it hard or is it fun? Should we tip anyone specific that works there? The croupier, drink servers, etc? yvonne57

    what sort of work do you do or want to do?


    I work at a power plant and the new job will be a spinoff of the power plant but using limestone and a management position has come up and I'm hoping and praying that I get it.Thank you digger for asking. If youknow someone in the Durham NC area and they need a job, hopefully I can get them hired.

    Well, that's good news amidst lots of employment-related doom and gloom. I wish you well and hope that the desired promotion comes to fruition for you.
    I've been in similar scenarios in the past.I've been passed over and chosen as well.Should the former happen to you, don't assume that an other opportunity won't come along again. Good luck!

    Digger thank you so much, I hate to hear about you being passed over and you KNOW you should have gotten the job, but dealing with corporations can be very cruel sometimes. I know that a good and intelligent man like you would be an asset in the work force where ever you are. Again thank you digger and I appreciate the good luck wishes.

     I work part time as a substitute teacher.. I am a FULLTIME mom. After dad passes I will have to find a full time position..Even if I have to leave the school system. (which would break my heart).


    well done Jenn what a desearving job you have! I have know paitients when it comes to children dont get me wrong I love them as they are a gift from God my friend she is school teacher and she says I am good with speacial needs children anyway good job Jenn oxoxoxo

    Is your Dad that bad off now Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear that. Bless you, yvonne57

    Honey dont feel bad... he has out lived his prognisis by 4 months now... We are blessed that he is so strong.

    Jenn my friend, good to hear from you. Hopefully you could get a full time position in the school system, they REALLY need teachers bad. I know being a full time mom is a job also. I'm praying for your dad and your family, I'm glad that he's still here for you and your family. Thank you so much for your info.

    Sorry Saceghost...I kind of find your question offensive (to some of the folks who come onto this site) I myslef am disabled and have been on social security disability for the last 10 years and I never would ask such a question as the way that you are phrasing sounds demeaning to own personal opinion...I do not mean to offend you but I do find the phrasing of your question offensive....(:


    Why are you offended? I ask people what they do for a living quite often. It's more meaningful and sincere than talking about the weather. Occasionally, they respond that they are retired or between jobs. What's wrong with that?
    ole hipster

    You were not the one posting the do not question what I am questioning....ask your own quesions and I shall respond in like.

    Thanks for the lesson in conduct. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

    I didn't mean for the question to be offensive, but you're allowed to feel that way. You also have the CHOICE NOT to answer the question. I see questions EVERDAY that pisses me off and I avoid them.But because YOU'RE having a bad day,you want to make mine bad, and I'm already having a bad day with one of my children. YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME. I'm NOT KNOCKING YOU BECAUSE YOU CAN'T WORK. I just asked the question to see how many ppl worked and to share my thing about getting a new job, that's ALL.

    I'm usually a low key and peaceful fellow Ole, I'm not the type that loves to argue, so if you're looking for someone to argue with MOVE ON,I'm not the one.

    And who do you think you are?


    Myself, Spaceghost.

    @jhharlan,what does that mean?

    My apologies... I have a bad habit of not paying attention to details. I thought you were just someone being cute... and no, I don't work...

    Again, my apologies. I've been rather snippy today with some of my replies so I think I'll refrain from typing and concentrate only on TU's. I know when I'm down.... sorry

    I know how you feel, I've had a pretty rough day myself.

    But I haven't had a rough day, I've just become a bitch so, I'll quit while I know it and go to bed early...Thank you for understanding and I'm so sorry about your day... KEEP ON TYPING


    I'm the one being a "B", look out that I don't sick my cat on you......... LOL

    i work in a casino talk about a variety of people everyday wow

    I have done my time, (dont mean in prison) lol, now enjoying early retirement.


    I'm so happy for you Dollybird, I can't wait when I can retire so I can spend more time with my family. Thank you so much for your input.

    Spaceghost, your welcome.

    Whenever I pray, I ask God to lead me to the job He wants me to have so that I can support myself and be a better example for my three sons. I do not have a job right now, but  have some income from investments my Dad made for me when I was a kid.  I also have a note on property I sold a couple of years ago.  I NEED TO WORK. 
    I obtained an "administrative support" certificate this year, updating my clerical and computer skills.  I am learning to be a tax preparer, in hopes that I will be working for one of the tax preparing offices (H&R Block, Liberty Tax, etc.)
    It is very difficult to find work in the Central Valley. I only worked part time when my sons were young, and hindsight tells me we would all have been better off had I worked FT. I have worked as a typist, account clerk,  secretary/bookkeeper,  substitute teacher, 21 dealer, retail sales (Macy's-like store and Home Depot), receptionist, fast-food deli,  usher, and electrician.  I type 80 wpm and operate a 10-key at nearly 24,000 kpm.  I just applied to the IRS (Fresno is one of their main sites) and have passed the initial weeding.  Please keep me in your prayers (or karma) that something will come along soon.

    country bumpkin

    You inspire me!

    :) that is an awfully kind thing to say country bumpkin. thank you

    Bob, I'm like country b, YOU INSPIRE ME. I'm proud of you for obtaining the Ad Support certificate, I know that's hard work because I've obtained three certificates in the last two years. Bob with your skills it shouldn't be hard for you to find a job. You are definitely in my prayers Bob, I wish you all the luck, you'll be fine. xoxoxo.

    Thank you,Spaceghost. You and CB kinda leave me speechless. Inspiring is a huge compliment. What kind of certificates did you earn? It was fun to be in school. Honestly, if I could get paid for just learning, it would be heaven on earth. I love going to school! Again, thank you. I love my QA friends. XOXOXO

    Hi Bob, I got certificates in Electricity/Electronics Principles, Automation and Robotics, and Solar Technologies. I really enjoy going to school myself and I'm thinking about going back to take another course.

    WOW. Those would be very difficult for me to obtain. Stuff like spelling, grammar, filing, math.....ez. have my respect!

    " Fortunately I had the foresight to see a good-thing under the (Clinton) administration & made a perverible (bundle) in the stock market when the market was breakin records vertually every week." ''Thank-you very much ! "

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