    Given a travel ticket for 2 to tour around the world for 2 weeks time(non-transferrable), all is free. Who would you choose to travel with and what places would spend your 2 weeks?

    +5  Views: 590 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    the wife of course lets see. hawii,itly texas canada,calif.,and im sure with her i could think of more .. and yourself ,who and where

    I'd burn them. I refuse to fly due to the fact Americans are treated like criminals in their own airports while perverts strip search them because of bogus homeland security's threats that we just MIGHT find a bomb or terrorist in a 93 year old woman's diaper.


    Yes, I meant what I said. The last line is meant to be as ludicrous as strip searching a 93 year old or toddler. We might find a terrorist hiding in there!

    We were also suppose to be attacked this past 9-11 too or so the "whispers" leaked to the media said. Guess what? NOTHING! They found no leads to the "whispers" that were designed to remind us why the government is still walking all over our freedoms.

    i have to agree with you colleen they have taken it to far

    Only one choice of companion.Wifey. Where to? back to the States only this time further north.

    Georgia,the Carolinas,New York & Canada.


    Connecticut ;)

    You said GA first!!!! YOU LOVE ME!!!!

    Connecticut? 4 sure.Colleen.
    Jenn? what's not to love.Hahaha!
    I was dying to get to Atlanta for the Olympics but it didn't come off because of family issues at the time.

    My hubby!!! We would go to Ireland, Italy or Australia.... Prob Italy..  I love food!!!  Ireland and Australia are not known for thier yummies. But to tall you the truth I dont care much about the surrounding as long as I am surrounded by his arms.


    Keep Australia on your "To DO" list Jenn.I promise,You'll love it & it will love you!

    I really want to go!!! It has always been in my top three... If it werent for the food issue it would be #1.. But I am a HUGE foody!

    I never thought of that, I don't travel much...But I would take my house mate with me. We are so used to being together we could get away with it until the first night he brings a girl to our cabin....I choose the Caribbean....and I don't eat fish even...

    Would love to go to America and meet up with some akaQA members.Coming back, stop at the U.K to meet the rest.

    Czech Repuplic and Germany to visit with family and friends. I would take my friend of 22 years with me.

    The French Riviera. The wife (she's standing behind me)

    I'd take my wife to Australia and extend my trip to at least a month.


    We will welcome you with open arms.

    I would love to go to Holland, Ireland, and England. As for who to take If I have the tickets I could surely find someone to go with.

    go to Africa. Do the safari  and stay at the best lodge with your wife or girl friend.

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