    how to get rid of mold in basement

    +2  Views: 710 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago
    Hired gun

    first, find the water source and fix it, then use a 50/50 bleach to h2o mix and let it soak for 15 minutes,then DRY thoroughly. use a fan to complete the drying (or open windows to ventilate)be sure to wear gloves and goggles to protect your hands and eyes

    11 Answers

    Give the area a good scrub with bleach.

    Contact a professional to find out what kind of mold you have. Some mold, if disturbed, can send spores into the air where it will infect the rest of your house. It can poison you if inhaled.


    There are just not enough people who know this.

    Mold can be very dangerous for you, and your familys health. Check links,                    or contact a professional.

    Improve ventilation, and follow Colleen's advice

    Seal the moisture's entry point and have a mold remediation contractor give you an estimate.

    burn the house down

    Try using hydrogen peroxide mixed with water.


    For deep cleaning restrooms in a casino. our stuff has hydrogen peroxide in it. it works!!!

    ventilation ok? check and use ceiling fan if u have one, scrub the area with a strong bleach and once clear, use a scented disinfectant. Keep an eye on the area to avoid repeats. KEEP THE AREA CLEAN AND DRY ALL THE TIME.

    first find the source of the moisture and repair it,then scrub with bleach & water mixture,then paint with Kilz paint


    I'd want a professional to look at the mold first. Mold can just be deadly.

    Bleach and more bleach and a UV-C light.


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