    thanks, dunc. my question was re any developments on scheduled state murder of Troy Davis, and dunc's answer was he (Troy Davis) was pretty frightened. That may or may not be true. I meant what was happening, if anything, in the legal arena, court action? demonstartions? i have seen on blogs talk of boycotting the state, which would be a great response. Those teflon politicos couldn't care less what people think of them, especially if they';re in a minority or unable to affect their elections o

    0  Views: 256 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    I read everything they had. The last word- Britain was waiting and watching. The state isn't talking.

    There is a preacher organizing groups outside the prison. That is all, for now.


    What did he do exactly ? or what is he supposed to have done ?

    A man who beat up a cop, he accused another man of killing him. There were 9 witnesses. No weapon, or evidence was found. 7 people who said they saw the murder recanted. That leaves two.(one witness is the man that beat the officer to begin with.) This man, Troy was found guilty,He has been in prison maybe 22 years waiting on death row.Tomorrow they will executed him. They have no prove he did it, not anymore. He is 42 years old. He has always said he was innocent, his story hasn't changed. The witnesses changed their stories.
    England is watching in horror. Many celebrities, and Jimmy Carter are trying to stop the execution.

    It dosn't sound like he should be facing the death penalty . We don't have that in England, although I must say I am a supporter of the Death penalty when the murder was premeditated or in cold blood, But I think you must be 101% certain before you sentence some one to that fait.

    many people are against the death penalty in the USA for several reasons. One) the poor who can not afford a good lawyer is always found guilty, years later they are found innocent. Most are on death row. I have no idea how many innocent people have been put to death. The second reason, they do not care if you are mentally challenged.I have seen video's of death row inmates that were clearly mentally disturbed. They are all dead now. If you are mentally challenged, they are suppose to give you life imprison. Your idea of MR and the legal system's idea of MR are two different levels. The law serves the rich, the poor are screwed.
    One man had proof he was at work in another state, with witnesses,& his employer. They still found him guilty.It took 10 years to get this man out of prison. The system sucks in the USA. It's very hard to find justice.
    There are thousands of very bad men in prison. They need to be there. We have more, that need to go. This railroading poor people into prison is a bunch of crap. If you do not have 75,000-150,000 dollars for a good you lawyer, You could land on death row too.
    Sadly many inmates can not read or write, they are easy prey.They will sign anything after 25+ hours of interrogation. They do not get bathroom breaks, their medication, nothing. Sounds more like Russia doesn't it?

    Don't know what he's done but say a prayer for him he's going to need it

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