    can you have intercourse while you have shingles?

    +2  Views: 746 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    NO. Shingles is a form of the chicken pox is highly contagious and often painful!!!!! Pull up your pants and wait a few weeks!

    11 Answers

    If the shingles don't give you tingles, feel free to mingle, assuming you're single.


    Very good answer Chiangmai.

    lmao :=D

    I imagine that it would be uncomfortable as shingles are extremely painful.

    Wouldn't think so, depends where you have got it I would think.If you have it on your weasle then NO.

    Not me brudda, I don't even like doing it with a runny nose!

    Highly contagious so I would suggest NO, depends what part of the body the shingles have affected.

    no good .Shingles is contagious.

    Oh! You mean shingles on the roof?  I guess shingles would be a bit lighter than concrete tiles when the roof comes crashing down at the point of climax.

    I wouldn't reccomend it. I had shingles in Nov, 2010. And my Dr. said, it's contagious, but not highly contagious. A person has to be kind of susceptible to it and have a lowered immune system. I don't know how the heck I got it, b/c I wasn't with anybody that had it. But, I had a mild case of chicken pox when I was little. You have to have had chicken pox, or you won't get shingles. Shingles is like adult chicken pox, only more painful

    no, take a break!

    Let them heal up then make your moves, shingles are contagious, very and they hurt like the dickens.....But yes, if you're stupid or selfish enough, you can have intercourse..........

    I believe in sharing, so go ahead.

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