1 Answer
To attempt to automatically repair your network connection Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Under Pick a Category, click Network and Internet Connections.
In the Network and Internet Connections window, under or pick a Control Panel icon, click Network Connections.
Right-click your network connection, and then click Repair. If Repair is not available, make sure the network cable is connected and the network connection is enabled.
Windows XP will attempt to repair your network connection. If it is unsuccessful, it will display a message describing the problem. After it is done, click Close.
Now you're ready to test your connection. The best way to test your connection is to open a browser and attempt to visit several different websites. If any of the websites open correctly, your problem has been solved.
Windows XP can fix most common configuration and software problems. However, Windows XP cannot fix problems with your modem or network. Windows XP also cannot fix hardware problems, such as a disconnected network cable or a faulty network card.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |