    Do you think that a Palestinian state will be declared today? Do you you support this sudden move?

    +1  Views: 553 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I  dont think it is possible without a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine.Most people of Israel and palestine want peace. But its the Government on either side who want to carry on the fight.. We very well could see another war in the middle east for Israel has lost a great ally in Mubarek. of Egypt.

    They have a right to have their own State, after all, they were pushed out of their lands.


    The Native Americans were slaughtered by the thousands and they were pushed out from their lands. The place you're sitting in right now probably belonged to them before the Europeans came and took their lands, and yet you're sitting comfortably in your chair behind the computer and talk about the Palestinians people who were pushed from their lands and deserve their own country.

    Unlike the Europeans who had no real reason or need in settling in America, the Israeli's have returned to their lands after an exile of 2000 years, after they survived Hitler and persecution.

    Bull crap...

    seems to me the arabs have enough land , why do they need more, were talking a strip of land the size of rhode island, wqhy should we be supporting terrorist they get enough help. we should stand firm behind israel or only true allie in the mideast as well as the only democracy in the mideast... if israel falls the mideast will be in toatal chaos, as if it isn't bad enough now.

    No. They are a terrorist nation of people who support the killing of anyone who does not agree with them. Statehood opens the door to another nuclear country in an already insane region on the planet. Israel has said it does not recognize a Palestinian nation, how do you not recognize 2 million  people. I wish an answer could be found to this disturbing situation. 


    First hi,

    i do not know from where you normally get the information about the real life in the meddle east but Pls try to hear from the all before you judge people.

    ed shank

    I am 60 years old and the Palestinians and Jews have been throwing rocks at each other as long as I can remember. I agree something has to be done, I certainly don't have the answer. Perhaps you can shed some lite on this issue. Any regime that supports Hamas, Taliban,and fires off countless missiles at the Israelis is in my opinion supporting terrorism. There is no justification for killing innocent people in their sleep with missiles being launched at Israel from Palestine. Telling it like I see it. Thank you for your comment though.

    I hope everybody can see the whole Pic of the situation.

    ed shank

    Thank you for the thumbs down. You have just proved my point, narrow minded .........

    Everybody has the wright to say iam here and deserve to be alife . iam not in the situation to to talk about the original problem in this part of the world but. Iam with the solution that will provide everybody in this plant with his wight to good life with all the respect he deserve because we are all equal.

    The problem with a Palestinian state is not that the Palestinians don't deserve a country, because they do, just like the Israelis. The problem is that Gaza is full with terror organizations who are being funded by Iran and who seek the destruction of Israel. Israel won't agree with the Palestinians about a country as long as the "Hamas" - Iran's main arm in Gaza is there.

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