    Please pray and send thoughts of healing for my dad!

    I know recently I asked for prayer regarding my sliced hands, but now it's for my dad. He has had 2 strokes in one day and my mom is trying so hard to hold everything together. He was rushed in this morning and has gone downhill with a second stroke...what they call a stuttering stroke. I love my parents so much and can't believe how just a few hours can change your entire life. If your dad is still with you , please for Gods sake, tell him you love him. It can be taken away so quickly. My dad is still holding on but as I stood over him rubbing his head tonight I realized just how delicate we all are.The strong rock that I always thought indestructible proved to possibly have an end. Life is like a flower, if the wind blows too hard the pedals break loose.I ask again for your support.

    +14  Views: 1253 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    God bless your Dad and let your Mother get strong again and not for getting to god bless you as well I my heart goes out to you and your family I know you are the rock at the moment and you have to be so be strong for your selve and your Family xxxxx


    Thank you melandrupert, I appreciate the encouragement. Life changes so quickly.

    mom I have preyed and I do hope things will improve a little for all of you! god bless mel

    God bless your dad.  We pray for his speedy recovery and that he is comfortable.



    Thank you, he has now made it through the night which is good news. I appreciate your prayers.

    Let me share with you Isaiah 41:10.  God says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my right hand."

    I will keep you and your parents in my prayer.  Blessings.


    That means so much, he has made it through the night, a good sign so far. Thank you Benchong.

    Mom - I am so glad your Dad has made it through the night this is a good sign and I feel confident that he will be OK - aftercare so very important re speech etc.depending on which side of the brain was affected.
    My heart felt feelings are with you - so very sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you and your Mum and I will pray for all of you. Good luck with the deposit - he wishes for this and I am sure the seller will wait.

    Mom....I closed my eyes and prayed for your dad and your family. I could feel your love for your dad. Take strength knowing we are all thinking of you and family. x


    Thank you, he has pulled through the night so today we will know just how bad things are going to be as far as the recovery for him. God is good and he created one stubborn man so I pray he grabs that attitude of his and heals fast.

    May God be with you and your family.

    mom all my thoughts and prayers r with him and your family, be strong your moms going to need as meny rocks as she can get the loss of a parent or parent figure is not at all easy all my best and hang in there kid.


    From anyone here, that means the most to hear coming from you, I appreciate that more than you will ever know.I am as strong for her as I can, how is your mom doing?

    she is staying strong her count has gone way up so we have to do 3 treatments back to back but the old ladys a tough one lol thsnx 4 asking hows your dad

    Glad to heat she is staying strong.It's amazing the strength we have when it is necessary. My dad is starting to get depressed which is totally understanding being he is in a diaper and a bib.He is going to get through this, we all need to stay strong and positive no matter how hard it seems.

    Glad to heat she is staying strong.It's amazing the strength we have when it is necessary. My dad is starting to get depressed which is totally understanding being he is in a diaper and a bib.He is going to get through this, we all need to stay strong and positive no matter how hard it seems.

    when my mom had her stroke it was the most difficult time in my life. one day she was up and vital and writing stories for the paper. then BOOM ... one day she had the capabilities of a 6 month old. I functioned but was unable to speak to anyone except my family, her doctor, and the nursing staff. 



    this went on for about 19 years. she lay in a convalescent hospital.

    O my gosh, thats just such a breaking thing to hear. I can't imagine my dad in that position let alone my mom trying to figure out how to deal wit it. I am so sad your mom went through that along with you and your family. Literally breaks my heart. I stood over my dad for at least two hours tickling his head, in hopes he would relax and sleep, he reminded me so much of a my own children when they were young and sick, I used to run my fingers through their hair to help them know I was close and feel safe. It broke my heart in half to look at the man I always have looked at as the "man" of the house, the "rock" of the family. I still believe in my heart he will rebound from this, I just pray my instinct is right.

    Sending healing energies and best wishes for your dad's recovery. Lots of love and strength to you and especially your mother! (((hugs)))



    Thanks Colleen, I am just as worried about my mom. You are a real estate agent I believe. I have to ask...they were both supposed to go to the bank and lawyer today as they are trying to buy a house, they put a deposit of a thousand dollars to hold it, will they hold it for a certain period of time especially being the case of health or would it be best that they pull out completely and if they do, is their deposit at all refundable?Even though my dad is in confusion, he keeps telling my mom to make sure they get the house. It is so much added pressure on my mom...what should be done here?

    I am not a real estate agent but my advice would be, you, not your mom, you contact the agent they put the deposit through and see what they say. The seller would have to agree with extending the time limit on the deposit. I say you because your mom has enough to deal with right now. E-mail me any time if you need to talk.

    okay, I will call first thing in the morning, I thought you were a real estate agent, not sure where I got that but thank you.

    Wishing you and your mom strength at this difficult time,and the return of good health for your dad.God bless your family.

    mom my thoughts and more importantlty my prayers are with you as well as your dad. their is power in prayer.. may god bless you both as well as all your family...

    Sorry, about that. Life is very iffy, one minute you're fine the next, you're gone. Your dad will last longer if kept at home. Don't put him in a nursing home. A doctor told us that the elderly do not last longer than eighteen months in a nursing home. My father-in-law also had a bad stroke, but his family kept him at home and cared for him there. He lived another four years.


    Thats good advice. I just hope that being so strong and stubborn, he will heal quicker than what anyone thinks.

    So right eggplant - home is the place - near love ones to give you strength and inspiration. Lots of love and kisses he will need these as men who have strokes have a tendency to cry and nobody knows why just how it is and say all that you thought you had not - I am sure you will have time for this as I said before good good sign he has made it so far.Difficult as so devastating for you and your Mum but please stay positive.

    I feel your pain, I just lost my father several weeks ago. I will pray for your fathers recovery. Be positive, and keep mom in a positive mode as well.


    I'm sorry to hear that ed shank. So far he has made it through the night. Your prayers are appreciated.

    My mom had her stroke quite a long time ago. I never recovered from the trauma. What happened to me will not happen to you. I'm not even sure why I wrote it. Maybe I just wanted to tell my story. Anyway, there are all sorts of new things doctors know now that they didn't know in 1984. My mom smoked cigarettes and she was overweight. She worried all the time. She had diabetes and high blood pressure for a long, long time.

    Sorry if I scared you. You will have the power of prayer on your side. If you truly believe, it will work.

    Have you been to the prayer site? I send you healing orange light and positive thought.


    Don't worry, I know you just wanted to share your story. Not every story is the same and I know in my heart that things will work out exactly as they are meant to. this too shall pass, it's just very difficult not to be able to do anything to fix it.Thank you itsmee.

    Mom., my heart goes out to you and your Dad and Mom. May God bless and guide you and keep you in his care.  Love and prayers, Ann

    mom, I will pray for you and your family.  My Husband is 50 now and had a stroke at 43.  I can tell he had it but no one else can unless you look at him long enough.  He came through.  I pray your Dad will too.  God bless you and yours.  Regards/Yvonne


    Thanks for the encouragement, my mom needs to hear that more than anything. I still don't know what his condition is after the second stroke...waiting for the call from my mom is making me sick. I just want to close shop and go be support for her.I can be thankful that I am somewhat preoccupied for now, Thanks again

    So sorry darlin, I will be praying for him & your mother.

    Mom, another day has now passed, how is your Dad.  I pray for you and your Dear Mom, for the strength you now need, also for your Dads recovery. God Bless.


    My dad still isn't improving at all. The doctor told my mom that he feels the damage with the second stroke may have him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. My mom is left trying to figure out what to do now so it's pretty rocky right now. I realize that eventually we all loose our parents but you never really expect it to come so fast.Thanks for asking and please keep them in your prayers.

    At least he's talking ... many are in wheel chairs. My mom could not use a wheel chair nor did she talk after her stroke. So ... you have something.
    I think of you and your family.

    May God's will be done....

    mom, my prayers are being said for you and your family.  I will also put out a prayer request with my church's prayer team.
    I will especially pray for your mom to stay strong and faithful.  "I can do all things....."
    It is hard not being able to do anything to "make it better".  Reminds us how vulnerable we are.

    My love and friendship to you,  PKB


    Thank you so much Bob/PKB...this morning I woke up feeling instead of overwhelmed, that it's now time to start fixing the things I can. For my mom I am looking for help and support information for the caregiver of a stroke victim and looking into support in her area for herself and respite for my dad when it comes to that. I am going to find a therapy ball to start my dads hand that works to get stronger. Yesterday he told my mom he wanted to commit suicide, t was beyond devastating to hear so the ball has to role. I think we all need to go into healing mode with him. He needs to be encouraged in any way we can. Please do put my dad keith and my mom Lynne on the prayer list. We need all the support we can get. Thank you so much

    Good morning, mom: It is wonderful that your dad is able to express himself! What he said is not so nice, but the ability to communicate is so much in his favor. You are all on the prayer list (I'll send your parents' names). You are amazing to be getting everything ready for your dad's homecoming. If he is able to go to a rehabilittion facility for a month, DO IT! My dad (in his 80's) and uncle (in his 90's) were at rehabs and the positive energy and "never say never" attitudes of the staff and residents go a long way in recovery. They should be able to help your mom prepare for her husband's return, too. Please make sure you focus on your mom's mental and emotional well-being as much as your dad's recovery.
    Keep us informed. You are loved. PKB

    I have been thinking of you and your family, my mum also had two strokes,it may be a long hard and frustrating road ahead, but stay strong and know people care


    I needed to hear that right now. I am finding it is so difficult to see my dad in this way and my mom trying to be strong.Thank you so much.

    i will be praying for your dad honey be strong for the lord jesus will hearbyou  and by his grace and mercy he will heal your dad.i belive this because the lord jesus heaed me. don't give up honey i will slso pray for your mom. let us pray. father in heaven we have a child that is your child her dad is sick and her mom i SAD FATHER I NO HOW IT IS TO BE IN YHEIR SHOES. BUT FATHER THERE IS NOTTING THAT IS NOT POSSIBLEGOR YOU MY FATHER GIVE THIS CHILD PEASE LORD I DONT NO THEIR NAME BUT YOU NO LORD. PLEASE LORD HEALD THIS CHILD FATHER.PLEASE LET IT BE YOUR WILL LORD HELP HER REGAIN HER FATHER. LORD IT WILL BE FOR YOUR HONOR SND GLORY FOR THIS CHILD FATHER TO LIVE TO SEE HER OR HIM GROW. TO STREGHTING THERE FAITH THAT YOU MY LORD LIVE IN THEM. FATHER IN HEAVEN LET IT BE YOUR WILL TO ALLOW THIS Dad to live. i feel her pain as i no that you feel her pain. father in heaven in your son name who die in the cross for our sin have mercy lord. in jesus name i pray.amend



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