    i want to see my son but my ex partner is stopping me see him

    0  Views: 454 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Your question was posted a year ago, so I am amazed that you have had not one reply, and you may have sorted it out by now. But just in case you have not, and for the benefit of others who may have a similar problem, here goes.

    What reasons do your ex-partner give for denying you access to your child? He/She cannot just tell you that you can't see your son or daughter. The fact that you have split up is of no consequence to the issue . If you are a man, and are not married, she might try the old chestnut saying that you are not the father , so be prepared for that one by finding out how you can arrange a DNA test. If the child was born within wedlock, the law assumes that the husband is the father - unles he can prove otherwise.  The short answer is that he/she can't stop you from seeing your child, it is your absolute right to be allowed contact.

    Like everything else though, there are exceptions to the rule. Has any court ruled that you are an unsuitable parent? Or have you disqualified yourself by behaving violently? No I'm sure not, but I had to include this reason.Well, that's it- there's your answer. You need to contact a good solicitor, preferably one who specialises in matrimonial and family matters.

    Hope this helps you and others. Good luck. 

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