    why does my hair keep breaking

    i have tried a few shampoos and condittners but nothing helps it when i put my hair up it is like my hair is a mess from broken hairair sticking up everywhere and i dont like hair spray in my hair to stick it down and i wash my hair twice a week
    i am hoping you can help me
    regards maureen lindsay

    0  Views: 376 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Why as mine fallen out

    Use conditioners and don't pull your hair back with a rubber band, that breaks hair. Also, don't brush your hair when it's wet, use a comb instead........

    You might need a good trim.....if it's long and fine it tends to break even more easily than other hair types....I know as I have baby fine, somewhat thin hair and it breaks easily....I'm no child either and I have had this problem all my life....good trim (if affordable) every 6-8 weeks helps a lot. I learned how to trim my own out of economic necessity...ditto about the rubber band answers...always use elastic coated ones!

    If your hair is long do not use a brush to brush it out while wet, use a large tooth comb and start at the bottom and work your way up to the top.  Also, as jhharlan said, don't use rubber bands, just use elastics that are cloth-coated. Could be your health/diet, as well.  Perhaps some medications, too?

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