    whats a mom

    a parent

    0  Views: 564 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    You are the sunlight in my day,
    You are the moon I see far away.
    You are the tree I lean upon,
    You are the one that makes troubles be gone.
    You are the one who taught me life,
    How not to fight, and what is right.
    You are the words inside my song,
    You are my love, my life, my mom.
    You are the one who cares for me,
    You are the eyes that help me see.
    You are the one who knows me best,
    When it's time to have fun and time to rest.
    You are the one who has helped me to dream,
    You hear my heart and you hear my screams.
    Afraid of life but looking for love,
    I'm blessed for God sent you from above.
    You are my friend, my heart, and my soul
    You are the greatest friend I know.
    You are the words inside my song,
    You are my love, my life, my Mom.

    Source: A Poem For Mom http


    Very beautiful, Romos and I'm sure these are your feelings! ooxx

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