    what do night sweats in a 70 year old woman mean?

    +3  Views: 6632 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Here is some information in reply to a request for info for the same question that you've asked. The doctor asked for some additional information before posting the reply, but you can read between the lines.

    Expert:  Susan Ivy replied 4 years ago.Hello, thank you for replying with the additional information.

    SSRI and SNRI antidepressants can cause sweating like this, and there are a few other medications that do so, but it does not look like any that you are taking would, although I don't know for sure about the kolorex - you would likely be able to tell, by whether or not the sweating started after you began the treatment or not.

    It does sound like there could be a link to your hormone situation -- so i think it very important that you speak to your gyn or endocrinologist about this, and have levels checked if they have not.. My understanding is that sweating occurs when estrogen drops - so if you had a high level that caused uterine thickening, which is now decreasing - or something along these lines then this may be related to your problem.

    Additionally, I have general information on hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) that I can give to you. This can help to guide you on what testing to ask your doctor for. You said your doctors did not listen to you could it be that perhaps you had already have already had many of these test done and that is the reason the doctors could not give you an answer? If not, I do hope you continue to persue the cause of this symptoms which is increasing.

    In some cases hyperhidrosis is due to problems with the sympathetic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary phisiological processes, such as sweating).

    Other disorders that can result in hyperhidrosis include thyroid imbalances, pituitary disorders, diabetes, gout, mercury poisoning, and tumors.

    Treatment will depend on the cause of your sweating, in most cases. If your doctor has not performed testing to look for any of the above causes, then you may need to request them to do so, or perhaps even get a second opinion

    Treatments that are available for sympathetic nervous system causes include, botox, aluminum chloride powder, iontopheresis, and surgery to remove the sympathetic nerve gangelions in control of the affected area.

    In case you are a big coffee, tea, or soda drinker, caffeine is said to worsen the condition for some people ,so decreasing the amount of caffeine in the diet is recommended.

    This information from a Wikipedia article details causes of hyperhidrosis:

    The Mayo clinic has a good article summarizing treatments:

    You could try aluminum chloride to help with the symptoms until the cause is determined. You should be able to ask your pharmacist for a prodcut with this ingredient. Here is an on-line distributer of aluminum chloride for:

    You likely will not need to go this far, but here is a link to a center in California that performs a surgery for severe cases: From what I have read these procedures are done in other places as well.

    If you have questions or need clarification, please reply.

    Susan Ivy39983.7982144329



    4 thumbs up, PKB

    Hormonal changes (still...).


    Definitely hormones. Consult an OBGYN.

    Usually the menopause - contrary to popular believe symptoms of the menopause can go on into the eighties - hormone replacement therapy used to given  but contraindicated nowadays. I had HRT somewhat before my menopause as I worked with excellent female Doctors who said Miriam remember when the time come take HRT and it so helped me and I look much younger than I am maybe because of it - and it was not so contraindicated then although this controversy still continues. 

    Tincture of Sage oil is good for this or it can be used in herb or you can buy this to make a tea at night.Make sure no underliying cause with Doctor.


    Sorry further update - The alternative to HRT is Red Clover extract - this comes in herbal form which you can make a tea with or it comes in tablet form - to buy tablets expensive but the Doctor will prescribe this for you. This will of course help with night sweats.

    Menopause. Sorry to tell you but some women have them....forever!       :(

    I would NOT take a prescription. HRT has dangerous side effects, a fact that most doctors (finally) accept!

    If the sweat is not saline in taste and the sweating occurs all in a sudden, she is weak in her health, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.


    Benchong - how interesting - thank you. This sounds like Bromhidrosis as opposed to hyperhidrosis being general sweating or confined to the palms, soles, axillae, inframammary regions or groin.
    Bromhidrosis is a condition in which there is a fetid odour of the skin caused by decomposition of the sweat and cellular debris by bacteria and yeasts. - readily responds to treatment scrupulous cleanliness essential - daily baths with liquid soap containing chlorhexadine - application of chlorhydroxy complex preparation found in most antiperspirants are usually adequate. Topical antibacterial creams and lotions may be needed and shaving of the axillary hair may be necessary.
    However, this ladies sweating definitely sounds like it is menopausal in origin (due to it being generalized) and at seventy her hormones levels will confirm she is menopausal. As Bob says she needs perhaps to have other levels done to exclude anything else - also general hyperthidrosis frequently accompanies a fever. Oh my Too much Information I fear.

    she's hot. pull off cover.  also there are health practitioners that teach women how to eat to avoid sweat sweat sweating. they teach how to balance hormones thur what you eat and drink. good luck!  dr rhonda emmett in san francisco, ca is great.

    A friend of mine said her mother used to say she sweat on up into her my freind said she didn't want to be like her .So, she got HRT.  But, I think they're getting away from HRT, b/c it can cause or contribute to cancer. Siedhoff, you should ask a Dr. about this.....maybe  a GYN.


    I Get all flusterted when i take H,R,T,,,

    Either turn up the airconditioning or one less blanket.  Always works for me. 

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