    What do you think of Barack Obama job on the USA.

    0  Views: 819 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I have long held the view that 4 years is too short a term of office for any new government and a big objection for me is that the 'rantings and ravings' of an election campaign is already under way after only 3 years. You only need to look at this site to see what I mean. As for Obama doing a good job or not is not for me to say but I would point out that there are many other countries with similar problems and challenges. We live in a global age requiring a global consensus. The party's over.


    4 years is plenty of time to cut spending and to come up with a budget that works. Obama did not do neither. He instead spent more, borrowed more and bailed out companies that over spent and wasted their own money only to watch one sink anyway. He gave away all kinds of money which people properly stuffed away rather than put it back into the economy, something that had been proved twice already does not work. He shut down 1/2 the oil drilling in the USA and many refineries. The cost of home heating oil an gasoline has sky rocketed and thousands of people became unemployed because of the closures of jobs in the oil industry. He has placed sanctions on Iran cutting the competitor pricing on oil from over seas and has cause Libya to hate us even more than they ever did after Reagan bombed them. He's done a lot of bone headed things in his 4 years. He insulted Canada with a flat out no to the pipeline that would have reopened thousands of jobs...he wouldn't even discuss it. Would you foreigners please stay out of American politics? You have no idea what you're talking about. Go do the right thing and help Greece. Only the president changes, not the entire government. The only thing that MAY change in Congress is a shift of power if more of one party is voted in or out by the people during election time. Obama chose not to get along with congress. He instead threatened them at every turn. Congress was not and still is not about to work with such an ego maniac. We need someone Congress is willing to work with. All signs point towards an agenda by Obama to destroy the USA. I'm not giving him another 4 years to finish the job. OUT WITH THE EPIC FAILURE!

    Your opinion of my opinion has in my opinion no substance and validity and therefor should not have been posted. This is a general question & answer forum and is open to all nationalities and, as such, we do not have to be american to express an opinion on any particular topic or subject. For the record, I am british and not german and I am an avid believer of free speech.

    Your opinion of US politics are not valid and has no substance. My reply to you is full of useful facts that you choose to ignore because none of it affects you directly since you're not an American. I did not say you live in Germany. I said, go help Greece, meaning if you feel the need to stick your nose in another nations politics, try to do good doing it. Greece is in trouble and needs help, go help. People read your words without knowing you're not even an American and have no idea what you're talking about. Stop confusing people with your media fed foreign opinions of what is going on in America or how long idiot presidents should have in office. I'm an avid believer in free speech to. Brit, go home! The America's are not yours anymore!

    west bus, For much of his childhood, Obama was passed from one left wing radical to another. He then was given an Ivy Laeque education, granted a prestigious position at the Harvard Law Review and had his political career launched by accomplished leftist William Ayers.
    One of the worlds richest men, George Soros, then personally funded his ascent to the heights of power.
    Obama was passive for all this. He did not achieve or plan anything.
    He did not have to win hard elections or build legislative coalitions. All he had to do was go along for the ride.
    That is why he was so annoyed in the first debate with Mitt Romney.
    He is accustomed to beeing given things and Romney gave him nothing.
    It also means he does not have sense of ownership in the office of the presidency.
    he should not, under any circumstance, be reelected.
    by David Russell (Heartland Institute.)

    Ann, I have no interest or desire to criticise or praise any american politician and I am not aware that I have ever done so. Read my answer again and this time carefully and you will see it is a view and generalisation of mine about a 4 year term of office for ANY NEW GOVERNMENT being too short, and that goes for any country. "As for Obama doing a good job or not is not for me to say.............", again a clear indication of my neutrality.
    " Would you foreigners please stay out of American politics? You have no idea what you're talking about." and in another comment to me: " Brit, go home!". This is a good example of the 'rantings and ravings' I mentioned. Ah well, it will be a little more than three years before the next election process starts all over again so I guess things will cool down now.


    West-Bus. Emotions are running high, because the future outlook of 4 more years of Obama are freightening. Obamas Administration was in charge of the house and senate for his first two years. He failed to put in a comprehensive immigration reform and concentrate on creating more jobs. Instead he concentrated on the healthcare debacle and green energy, which turned out be a dismal failure. He spent more more money in his four year than any president in history of the united states. Almost 6 trillian Dollars and our national dept is now almost 16 trillion dollars.The bush tax cuts are going to expire
    come January. He had a year a half to come up with a plan and he did nothing. We are going into a deep recession if he cant come up with a solution.
    After his reelection, 20 companies are going to lay off thousands of people. There is nothing positive about this administration.

    Rantings and raving, lol. Just stick to what you know. American politics is not it. Please do not back peddle either. You were speaking from the American politics perspective, not from a world view.

    He needs to be replaced before we become another Greece.


    Given the fact that the man inherited a total  mess  when he took off , I think  he needs another 4 yrs.  then I can  answer that  with more knowledge  .


    What, so he can finish the job destroying this country? You're not researching on your own are you? I bet you just listen to the media.

    matheneyg- IMO a good answer.

    west-bus, in my opinion, your opinion does not count. You are not American. I hear the Germany is trying to force Greece to come up with money it does not have. Germany is holding out on extending time for Greece to pay it's debt. Screw the people of Greece huh? Too bad, so sad that you are broke but pay up anyway? Apparently you like bone headed governments and the leader there of.

    @ West-bus, I see, you thought I was calling you German here. No, I was setting a scene. Showing you the kind of government you apparently like. Showing you a place where your ramblings might do some good. Stay home Brit. The USA does not belong to you anymore.

    If I graded him I would give him a D... 

    You need to go see the movie 2016. Then you will know the real obama and his real intentions. Find out his first action when he got to the White House. What he returned. He is muslim by heart with no good intentions to the USA but to fulfill his fathers wishes. Who he did not really know. He is a con job.

    The election has to do with who is influencing your vote. The Republican Party has chosen to represent corporate America and  the selling of their congressional choices to Grover Norquest’s plan to morally bankrupt our government. The Democratic party has chosen to represent the people of the United States and our better interests.  Regardless of how many representatives corporate America may buy, I cannot and will not support the autocracy of wealthy corporations and their plan to kill the American Dream of our government of the people, by the people and for the people. Such evil must not be allowed to persist or succeed.




    Hi Robert, Your reply makes most sense. I am from South Africa,but the whole world is watching your elections, as the outcome affects us all. What we note on your activist sites about political parties wanting to mess around with your Constitution and curb the Freedom of the US, is not encouraging, as it seems that your government, as well as other G8 govs are controlled by the PTB, or the de Rothchilds, Rockefellers, George Soros et al - they are the money giants who control your media, Pharma and many other mega Corps etc too. Aka the Illuminati. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but how can ordinary Americans not be aware that the USA's freedom, guaranteed by your Constitution is being eroded daily and in grave danger of being stolen from them? I think Obama is a good guy, but he is being used as a pawn by the PTB, as money controls how the World functions. However, their greed and corruption are being exposed. More than than ever before, if the highly respected opinions of many learned scholars in your country, are anything to go by, ordinary America should wake-up and fast. The rest of the World is hoping their trust in Obama as man for the People, has not been misplaced snd he has a back-up plan to save the USA.

    If Obama was a good guy and a man for the people, he would blow the whistle on the Illuminati not take hush money from them. The man went into the white house with only a modest amount of money. His pay as president is $400,000.00 per year yet 4 years later, his bank account has swelled into the millions. He is NOT a good guy and he's in it for himself, not the people.

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