    18% of 49

    +1  Views: 407 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    It is very easy deal with the percentage.
    Proceed as follows:
    1. First convert 18% into fraction as 18/100
    2. Then, Multiply it with 49 as 18*49/100 and the result will be 8.82
    Alternative method:
    This is a special trick for you
    If you want to obtain the exact figure of given percentage, then multiply the given percentage with given number and reset the decimal point to 2 point ahead to the obtained result.
    For example, in above problem: Multiply 18 with 49 and you will obtain the result as 882 and set the decimal point to 2 ahead, then exact result will be 8.82.

    Wow. I am impressed! Math wizards blow me away,....I understand your thinking as you laid it out very nicely but I NEVER could have come up with that on my own, ever. And, what's so neat about math wiz's is how much they enjoy working problems and finding the answer,....they really DO enjoy it and that is SO foreign to me. The analogy to me would be working crossword puzzles!!

    2 Answers

    It is very easy deal with the percentage.
    Proceed as follows:
    1. First convert 18% into fraction as 18/100
    2. Then, Multiply it with 49 as 18*49/100 and the result will be 8.82
    Alternative method:
    This is a special trick for you
    If you want to obtain the exact figure of given percentage, then multiply the given percentage with given number and reset the decimal point to 2 point ahead to the obtained result.
    For example, in above problem: Multiply 18 with 49 and you will obtain the result as 882 and set the decimal point to 2 ahead, then exact result will be 8.82.

    HI       18%  OF 49 THE EASIEST WAY  18% IS 18/100 th   SO MOVE DECIMAL POINT OF 49   2 PLACES TO THE LEFT  = .49 X 18 = 8.82


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