    Do you think homosexuality is a violation of natural law?

    This has been an on-going debate

    +4  Views: 1005 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    26 Answers

    I think you first need to understand that homosexuality is more than just sex. It's love and commitment too.

    I also think you need to understand that homosexuality exists in nature too.

    Lastly, what would the violation be? Procreation? Do you think the world needs more people? Are we running out of people? Would homosexuals suddenly turning straight over night and popping out kids make a positive impact on the population of the world or would it mean more starving kids because we don't even have enough food for all now as it is?

    You're correct, this has been an on going debate and one that's gone on a lot longer than it really ever needed to. The year is 2011, some believe the world will end next year. Do you think in the grand scheme of things that homosexuality is the biggest issue ever and one that should continue to be debated over and over and over and over.............?

    We exist. You can not stop us from existing. You can not change us. Why keep debating something that has been debated to death? To what end?


    Thanks, Kid. : )

    absolutely sister. live and let live i say

    The fact that you voted me down on this Dave tells me that you do not agree with what I said here. How do you suppose this makes you look since you're so intent on claiming that you are being persecuted for being anti gay. Can you see how voting down all the comments defending gays makes you look exactly like what you claim not to be?

    No!  Good grief, no! Where did you hear that? Stay on this site for awhile and learn. OK? You are welcome to be here. We discuss all sorts of things. Funny things. Serious Things and of course homosexuality.  Ask your questions. I haven't read Colleen's answer yet but she's someone to learn from.  

    davey wavey

    For crying out loud, it's just a damn question I am curious to know how others see it.

    I think massacre of innocent people (regardless of race, creed or sexuality) and devastation of the rainforest is a violation of natural law. Put your energies into the bigger picture rather than concern yourself with individuals personal preferences that have no effect on the quality of your life.


    Here here!!!
    davey wavey

    It's just a damn question that does not infer I am anti-gay for heaven's sake! It's just a question, and I am curious to know how people respond to it. I am quickly learning how Nazi-like many people are when you ask certain questions. Well guess what, I'm going to continue to ask these questions anyway.

    I do not see how missactive is calling you anti-gay Dave. She was just suggesting you focus your attention on something more important.

    Listen, davey,take your wavey and toodle off.

    davey wavey

    WOW, what a thoughtful response from yet another defensive person who won't allow someone else the chance to hear other's responses to a question that is important.

    Booo, you're not allowed to vote people down because you don't agree with them. You'll have to answer to the fair Colleen, ha, ha, haa.

    yes. live and let live

    davey wavey

    agreed, but can you expand from more than "yes?"

    It's not a subject that anyone has the right to judge. Live and let live!


    I agree mom!

    Does it really matter what goes on behind closed doors of peoples homes,  I dont think so, each to their own. You will never find people to agree with every thing 100%. so just move on with life.

    With all the war and conflict going on in the world, how on earth can it matter what people are doing in their private lives providing they are not harming anyone or forcing something down our throats. You don't see lesbian and gay people preaching in the streets in an attempt to 'convert' us. Honestly, I can't believe in this day and age such questions are even relevant!

    davey wavey

    No, but there have been reports of radical gays walking into Catholic Churches and throwing condoms onto the alter and into the crowds there gathered. I doesn't matter what people are doing in the bedroom, I don't give a rat's butt. My question has nothing to do with such a thing. The question about homosexuality is continually argued over emotion and not substantive arguments. Ask a question like this, and all the thought police come out. Sheesh!

    I would also add that if we take your position that questions like these are no longer relevant, then where should we stop?
    Should we then stop asking pretty much all questions that are controversial, and difficult? Questions like, what is truth? Is there meaning in life? Does God exist? Should we just live and let live, and stop seeking wisdom, and knowledge?


    Do you have any articles concerning the "radical homosexuals" tossing condoms in Catholic Churches? Anything in print that I can look at explaining from their side, why they were doing this? I've heard reports of radical straight people who kill gays just because they are gay. I can bring you those facts. Please do not use radicals into a discussion concerning a whole group of people. Islam has it's radicals too but I do not use them against the whole culture of Islamic people. If your only defense is a few radicals, you've already lost the debate if that's what you want to call this.

    yes dave, forget about the radical priest in those churches. maybe that's what the gays were doing, tossing condoms for the pedophiles the church hides.

    I would really like to see evidence (ie- the report) concerning the condom incident.

    It is here and is none of my personal business. I've know enough gays to determine it's not all about sex...I accept what ever is in front of me as long as no one is getting hurt by it...

    davey wavey

    And I would completely agree with you. Thank you for your calm, thought out answer. I wish others would follow your example when answering an honest question.

    thank you very much!

    Too bad you don't know how to be calm yourself dave.

    darci ... good thing to say.


    LOL eggy ... so you.

    davey wavey

    Ya, eggy a real thoughtful, critical thinker. A true intellectual indeed.

    davey, if you only knew just how smart eggy is. She is the definition of smart. She just comes here to have fun. You could only be in awe of her intelligence.

    davey, just let it go. you have asked the question. Got lots of personal answers. homosexuals are people that have everyright to be just as miserable as the rest of us , and should enjoy the same liberty of life , liberty , and pursuit of happiness as other legal americans.

    natural selection.

    What is it you disagree with davey,

    Natural law allows for it. Because it exists.  Has been and always will exist. People both for and against it need to just get over it and live with it. Accept it as it is, The result of a creation malfunction or disorder. In this world were just beginning , to understand the miracle of living.

    davey wavey

    Thanks for the response. What I was curious about what more along the lines of new scientific research, etc. Perhaps I should have initially stated it that way.

    You are entitled to your opinion that it's a disorder zorro. My opinion is that it's an intentional design by God especially when it exists in people, animal (land, air and sea) and even insects.

    I would like to just toss this out there just because....There really is no normal, just people who are full of themselves thinking that they are ;)

    exactly ,thank you. Just because it is a minority ,just a few of population, doesnt mean its bad.

    "What I was curious about what more along the lines of new scientific research, etc. Perhaps I should have initially stated it that way."

    Perhaps you should have. This is a completely separate topic from the one you posted.

    zorro, As far as a "few" of the population, you have no clue how many strong the homosexual life is. You want to guess 1-2% of the population I imagine. Latest numbers I was seeing, as high as 35%. Of course that's just a guess because there is no way of counting the closet homosexuals and the ones who are out right denying their sexuality due to fear or brainwashing. Those numbers were estimated and factored in. The percentage also included bi-sexual people. So I'll give a margin of error as high as 15 percent. That makes the number 20% of the population which equates to about 62.6 million people in the U.S. or as you say, just a few.

    Probably right colleen, one reason obama got so many votes. Its still a minority number, compared to heterosexual.

    If it makes you feel better and safe to keep pushing the minority number, for whatever your point is..*shrugs*

    well wavy, i live by my bible and homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. when God saw man was alone, he put him to sleep and took a rib from him and made woman. so that he would not be alone. and they were to procreate and populate the world. i know a lot of people out there do not agree with the bible and thats why i say live and let live


    Mankind has done a remarkable job of populating the world. Maybe even too good a job when you see children in parts of the world dying because of lack of food and water. Even some homosexuals have joined in on that endeavor of populating the world. True they might not have created children in the traditional sense but they have created children. I think if people took your advice to live and let live, they would see that no matter the differences, we can all work together just fine. :)

    thank you so much colleen. i couldn`t have said it better. live and let live. tall order for some

    No, thank you for your open mindedness and I meant to say, "your advice". I edited it.

    Now Dave, you voted down 5 responses here. That is an unwarranted attack on peoples karma and not allowed. You are suspended for 3 days because of this. When you come back, I expect you to be calmer and to have less of an attitude towards those who do not agree with the way you think. You can take the time to decide if this is really the type of forum that works for you.


    For what reason, can a person vote down ???

    Because the members voted for freedom of speech a long time ago, that virtually erased the ability to thumbs down an opinion. To thumbs down an opinion is like telling someone, shut up, I am not allowing you your freedom of speech.
    The thumbs down should actually be rarely used. We are a community, a team, all people working together to help other people because that really is the purpose behind akaQA.
    TD's should be used only in the case of vulgarity, racist comments or slurs, ought right sexism demoralizing one sex or another, threats for violence, rude, disgusting behavior, comments that are harmful to anyone, comments designed to insult a single person or a whole group of people, things like that.

    Dave, three things right now. I'll be back with other comments in a bit. I have home stuff to do right now.

    1. Please relax your attitude. These members are good and valued people and have been seeing discussions about homosexuality anywhere from 1 to two times a week since akaQA opened. It's a tired and drawn out topic here. There comes a time when people just want to move on.

    2. Please stop swearing. This is an adult subject and if you feel you're adult enough to ask about it, then you can refrain from sounding like someone raucous teen on Yahoo comments where no holds barred debates are welcomed.

    3. You opened the question, you got answers and then unjustly started accusing the members here of being overly defensive. Actually it is you who got overly defensive. I think the conversation went opposite of what you expected it to and that has surprised you. Welcome to the land of adults. ;)

    Now I have to run but will be back to discuss this topic some more if needed.

    davey wavey

    Swearing? ah, okay, sure.

    Relax my attitude? You are kidding correct? I simply asked a question, and then received a bunch defensive responses with assumption that I am anti-gay, sheesh. Colleen, I simply asked a question, and then all the defensiveness began. I think the responses I got back are examples of teenage-like responses as well. Thanks for the lecture, BTW.

    Apparently you and I are seeing things differently and yes, swearing. One thing akaQA is not is a debate forum. We are a question and answer site that is here to assist people. Not war with each other. People are willing to discuss topics and even debate on occasion but you will not find the level of pot stirring here that you seem to be use to. The people gave their opinions based on your question. Perhaps it could have been worded differently if all you wanted was a simple discussion and not a lecture. Bring facts into your discussion not just words that you can toss about while you go on the defensive accusing the responders of not playing fair for giving their opinion which is apparently opposite of yours.

    Because your question implies something I never inferred, namely that I disagree with something.  I was merely interested to know how people defend either position on this issue.  I'm a question asker, and curious about man things.


    His opinion are his opinions and are not open to karma attacks. You can disagree and debate but not attack another's karma just because you do not agree with them. I do not agree with a lot of what you've had to say so far. 3 TD's on you and you would have no karma. Do you see what I'm saying? ;)

    Personally I find these words together "homosexuality is a violation of natural law" to be very offensive and can see how they could be hurtful to gays and supporters of gay rights. This type of question is designed for one reason only. To generate hot debate and belittle another people. I know you will deny this and that's fine. I've personally just seen it too many times to think otherwise.

    every animal in the animal kindom mates with the same sex if there lucky! so why cant humans do the same! there is nothing wrong in it in my oppinion LIVE AND LET LIVE just let it go because!

    Does male rabbits mate with male rabbits.? Does male dogs and cats mate to each other.? is these "O" Natural. ??


    Mating and having sex are two different things but yes, homosexuality exists in nature and as for your example, yes, it is natural for the ones doing it.
    It is not natural for procreation but I think we can really quit worrying about populating the earth now.
    It is however natural in the sex department, sex for pleasure or for showing physical love has no boundaries unless you follow a religion that says it's a bad thing to have sex other than in the missionary style.

    This question does not, in any way, presuppose I disagree with anything. It's just a question about how homosexuality is perceived, and understood.  Where did I even hint that "I" personally disagree with the gay lifestyle?  Can't people just calmly answer the question?  Part of me really likes asking these kinds of questions simply to see how many Nazis thought police types, and defensive people climb out of the wood work, LOL!  It's simply amazing to sit back and watch.



    you gave a thumbs down on my answer. Just why ?

    "Part of me really likes asking these kinds of questions simply to see how many Nazis thought police types, and defensive people climb out of the wood work"

    This right here says a lot about your character or lack there of. It also makes me see that akaQA is really not the style forum you will be happy at. Most of the members are here to help people, not immerse themselves in drama. They are kind good and wonderful people and I and only I will shoulder your charge of "thought police" even though it truly belongs to you. You have tantrums if people do not conform to your way of thinking. That is policing another's thoughts Dave.
    We are not here for your personal entertainment.

    We may well rue the day that it ever becomes anything to do with law enforcement.

    We have big brother looking over our shoulders on enough issues already.

    Sexuality has nothing to do with law any more the which side of the bed you prefer to sleep on.


    It use to be about the law. Homosexuals were once arrested and put in prison for being homosexual. Thank God we've moved forward from those days anyway even if we do still have relics like davey around.

    Don't let them worry you.Their problem is that they are scared of you.They think lesbians hate all men.I know for a fact that's not the case at all.They think that all gay men are effeminant queers.I also know that's not true.

    there aren't many of us who are gay but we surrrre like to talk about it and bash it.  

    davey wavy ... good night. 

    Why does everyone focus on the sex thing? Two people loving and committing to one another is a good thing, yes.

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