    who is screwing with my husband

    +3  Views: 952 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    Well it is nit me I can assure you I don`t even know him, besides I am a straight bloke.

    Hang on you ask "Who is screwing WITH my husband" Are they screwing with his mind  or his medication or what?

    If it is his screwer they are screwing with then why ask a bunch of strangers? why not ask him?


    that's what I said. Or she should go to the local beauty shop. You hear everything there.

    ""                 SORRY, I SAW HIM WITH HER !!!!!!!


    So nice to meet you Mrs.Spaceghost.Hahahaha!

    You're killing me. LMAO!

    A cheer leader for what kind of team?

    OhOhOh Spacey that has made my day I am crying here with laughter well done have a good weekend! love ya

    LMAO! This is cindy's out...she got game. :-)

    Alright you girls/guys stop making fun of my woman !!! lol!!

    Sorry, no psychics on staff here.

    Who ever it is, she must be better at it than You. ha ha.


    that's not nice.

    I dont feel sorry for her, asking a question, like that.

    OUCH, Dollybird. I agree with you on this one.

    Why are you so sure someone is? Check out your suspicions and if they prove valid, then come back to us.

    Ask him. Get the answer straight from the horses mouth.

    Why is your husband under suspision?  

    Why ask us??  Ask him. he won't tell you the truth if he is but at least you might get some ideas.

    hope it ain't the mailman..


    Might be a mail woman.

    mail person would be pc i guess

    whts his name? delo screw?

    Check under the bed, the closet, pull a panel out of the drop ceiling, ,  Look in these places, also, did you happen to find an airpump in the bedroom>? Tire patch kit? Rubber cement?? Look around, these things can be rolled up pretty small when not in use.. A sure indication is the air pump, some like the bicycle type other like the electric pumps.. They usually leave these laying around..

    If YOU aren't ...Someone else most certainly is.

    I have a question!   WHY is THIS question being voted up?????


    I know, right? Really, some of the things these people vote up amazes me. I've seen people come on here, be real d!cks, calling the members names, swearing, etc then watched as a member tells them off and then goes and gives the jerk a thumbs up. I just do not understand it.

    Geez, all top members too who voted this up. Call me confused.

    Maybe we are just too generous with our karma points sometimes??? The other day, I gave a TD to a question I really didn't like. It wasn't a minute later that my extremely brilliant response got a TD from the author. I didn't like that TD, but there was no way I could cancel that and maintain integrity to the site. (I'm pretty black and white alot of the time.....not much gray, but I can still be open-minded even if I disagree).

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